The Times, South Africa



Government Support for Obama Not in French National Interest (Le Nouvel Observateur, France)


"If Obama is re-elected, the prime minister's statement would not lead the White House chief to favor Paris; and if Romney wins (and his chances aren't slim), the new president would be only too happy to give 'Frenchies' the cold shoulder. ... There is only one explanation for this curious 'vote.' ... They want to ride France's pro-Obama wave."




Translated By Katia Mohandi


October 28, 2012


France - Le Nouvel Observateur - Original Article (French)

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault is the latest French official to express open support for President Obama in the U.S. election to be held Nov. 6.


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This morning on France Inter, Prime Minister Jean Marc Ayrault declared that if he were an American citizen, he would vote for Obama "without hesitation."


The day before, his minister of European affairs, Bernard Cazeneuve, stated on LCP [the French Parliament channel], that he "really hopes" for the re-election of the current president of the United States.


Obviously, we all understand what has led Matignon to hope for the reelection of Barack Obama and the defeat of his Republican opponent, who never-endingly denounces "socialism" in Europe.


But why such public displays of affection?


First of all, this is likely to be counterproductive.


President Francois Hollande himself said as much last September in New York, when he stressed that in the United States, "socialist" support is like the kiss of death.

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"If a socialist supported one of the candidates, it could cost him dearly," he said, before adding with a smile, "so I suppose I should endorse Mitt Romney … but I won't."


Secondly, such a public stand is contrary to the interests of France.




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Because if Obama is re-elected, the prime minister's statement would not lead the White House chief to favor Paris; and if Romney wins (and his chances aren't slim), the new president would be only too happy to give the "Frenchies" the cold shoulder.


There is only one explanation for this curious "vote."


They want to ride France's pro-Obama wave.


This is a short-sighted strategy.



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[Posted by Worldmeets.US Oct. 28, 6:37pm]