Is the McCain campaign sowing the seeds of civil unrest?



Le Monde, France

McCain Invites a 'Dangerous America'


"In opposing Obama, Republicans tolerate and often encourage racist slander, xenophobic lies and venomous rumors prevalent amongst extreme right-wing bigots and 'White supremacists.' If Mr. McCain wins under these conditions, violence will menace America."




Translated By Philippe Guittard


September 14, 2008


France - Le Monde - Original Article (French)


Has the McCain campaign gone too far with its charges against Barack Obama - and will this backfire, regardless of who wins?


BBC NEWS VIDEO: The American presidential race heats up; the dilemma for Obama, Oct. 13, 00:03:58 RealVideo

After eight years of President George Bush, with their credit weakened by the debacle in their banking system - which threatens to plunge much of the world into crisis - the choice that Americans make in the presidential election on November 4 has particular significance.


The good news was the process of selecting candidates, which led to the designation of people remarkable for their intelligence, strength of character and independence of mind. On the Republican side, John McCain has confirmed throughout his long Senate career and disputes with Mr. Bush, his status as a reformer able to ally himself with lawmakers on the other side of the aisle to correct some of the defects in the system. As a nationalist and of course a conservative, he defends the principles of freedom and morality that underlie American and Western society.


Among Democrats, Barack Obama has become the candidate of a new generation and a new era at a time of globalization, which runs through, jostles and energizes America as it does the rest of the world. This mixed-race candidate - a Black man according to American perceptions - offers a chance to overcome the divisions inherited from slavery and segregation and which continued right up to the 1960s.


The bad news is that for Republicans, disarmed by the unpopularity of Mr. Bush and the financial doldrums, the color of Mr. Obama's skin is becoming the only argument left for opposing the Democratic candidate. He is attacked not only because he's Black, but because his father was a Kenyan, because he lived in Indonesia, and because his "middle name," inherited from her paternal grandmother, is Hussein.



Republicans have little to say about Obama's choices in the area of energy or his fiscal proposals. They tolerate and often encourage racist slander, xenophobic lies and venomous rumors prevalent amongst extreme right-wing bigots and "White supremacists." If Mr. McCain wins under these conditions, violence will menace America. If Mr. Obama is elected against this resurgence of hate, hope will prevail, but fear will continue to loom.















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 14, 7:19pm]