Toward a new Atlantic Alliance

[The Toronto Star, Canada]



Le Figaro, France

President Obama: 'What a Change for the Alliance!'


"If America has moved closer to Europe, the opposite movement is just as real. ... What a change in the style and manner of doing things! Within days, Obama will have laid the foundations of a new transatlantic alliance."


Editorial by Pierre Rousselin



Translated By Mary Kenney


April 4, 2009


France - Le Figaro - Original Article (French)

Front page of April 4 edition of Le Figaro of France. The headline reads, 'The French-American Reunion'.


NATO TV via C-SPAN: President Obama press conference at the NATO Summit in Strasbourg, Apr. 4, 00:32:35RealVideo

In a changing world, transatlantic relations also must change. After offering his pledge at the G20 to follow a multilateral approach on the global economy, at Strasbourg, Barack Obama has dedicated himself to reinforcing the Atlantic Alliance.


The American president had a little more than two months to prepare for the NATO summit. That's very little time, given the energy he has had to dedicate to the economic crisis.


The new administration's diplomacy is still under construction, in Afghanistan as well as toward Russia, Iran or the Middle East. But already, what a change in the style and manner of doing things!


Barack Obama, before French and German students gathered at Strasbourg, showed himself to be a real performer, just as he did when he regaled Americans during the election campaign. He has no equal in seducing his audience with elegance and humility, recognizing America's past mistakes to get across his real message: "Europe should not simply expect the United States to shoulder the burden alone." [Actually, President Obama, in reference to Afghanistan, said, "Europe should not simply expect the United States to shoulder that burden alone." Read Full Text or Watch Below]


Barack Obama is too adroit to make public demands of his allies that they aren’t ready to fulfill. The fact remains that the European contribution in Afghanistan and elsewhere will be appreciated in Washington in its merits. In this case, they have agreed to send a few hundred police officers to help build up the Afghan police force.    



That being the case, with Obama, European defense is no longer a source of suspicion in Washington: the allies instead are to be encouraged to do more.


President Obama holds a town-hall meeting in Strasbourg,

France, Apr. 3. WATCH


As for the war in Afghanistan, it is being transformed, at least in the way it's presented. The "new strategy" announced at the White House on March 27 integrates many concerns that Europeans have for years advocated in vain: the solution is not military but political, so the approach should be regional and include Pakistan - the "Afghanization" of the war is an absolute priority ...


If America has moved closer to Europe, the opposite movement is just as real. In resuming its place within NATO's integrated command, France is playing a leading role. Nicolas Sarkozy was warmly thanked by Barack Obama, and the two heads of state have been able to announce an understanding presented as "perfect."


The sixtieth anniversary of the Atlantic Alliance, which is being held at Strasbourg and Kiel [Germany], also has a strong Franco-German harmonization. 


Before their American partner, Nicolas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel have another chance to showcase their unity, already evident at the G20 in London. This harmony, illustrated by the installation in France of a German Army unit, is a pillar of European defense. 


On Sunday, Barack Obama will be in Prague for the European Union-United States summit. Within days, he will have laid the foundations of a new transatlantic alliance. 



















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US April 4, 6:59pm]