[The Independent, U.K.]



Le Figaro, France

America's Great Turning Point


"In economics as in diplomacy, the most ideological administration in America's modern history is about to end with a dramatic renunciation of the dogma it defended at its debut. … This is a tribute to American pragmatism, which remains their only true religion and allows them to burn the idols they worship before it's too late."


EDITORIAL By Pierre Rousselin



Translated By Sandrine Ageorges


October 15, 2008


France - Le Figaro - Original Article (French)

What's driving the radical transformation of American politics? A market collapse and nearly complete loss in confidence among Americans over the way things have been done.


FINANCIAL TIMES VIDEO: A surprising and 'very worrying' market reaction to Washington's decision to nationalize U.S. banks, Oct. 15, 00:03:26 RealVideo

The financial crisis is now accelerating a radical evolution in American politics, which the presidential election on November 4th is very likely to consecrate. A few weeks ago, between the abandonment of investment bank Lehman Brothers in the name the religion of the market and “laisser-faire” - and making the decision to employ the Paulson plan to recapitalize the banks by up to $250 billion, a genuine ideological revolution is unfolding across the Atlantic.


After the Iraq fiasco, the failure of the neoconservatives became obvious in terms of foreign policy. This has been confirmed by their defeat in open country on the battlefield of the economy.


If, on September 15th, the federal government allowed Lehman Brothers to go down by not providing its guarantee, it was because the “pragmatic” ones in the administration - Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and FED Chairman Ben Bernanke - could not convince the ideologues who regarded the rescue of Wall Street's fourth largest bank as “the beginning of socialism.”


Late in September, it was this same phobia that pushed a large number of Republican congressmen to reject the Paulson plan. The version of the $750 billion deal which will finally be adopted provides for the redemption by the Treasury of the banks’ “toxic debt,” but not their recapitalization, although it now appears that this too, will be done.


[The Independent, U.K.]


And that's fortunate, because the plan would probably never have been adopted if Congress had known that Paulson was preparing for the partial nationalization of the banks!


In economics as in diplomacy, the most ideological administration in America's modern history is about to end with a dramatic renunciation of the dogma it defended at its debut:


-- In Iraq, where the arrival at the controls of General Petraeus had the effect of minting a radical change in course for the objectives of the United-States, which is now looking for allies within the Sunni community;


-- In Afghanistan, where the Defense Secretary Robert Gates, another eminent representative of the “pragmatists” in the administration, openly advocates a “post-crisis exit" based on negotiations with Taliban who are not tied to al-Qaeda; 



-- In North Korea, which has just been released from the “Axis of Evil” and removed from the list of “terrorist states” after a muffled arm-wrestling match with the last neoconservatives in the George W. Bush entourage.


This is a tribute to American pragmatism, which remains their only true religion and allows them to burn the idols they once worshiped before it's too late.


The great turning point taken by this waning Administration is in the form of an opinion - the evolution of which is that a shift in the map of U.S. states is taking place, which shows that according to the polls, might be about to elect Barack Obama. The Democrat is way ahead of John McCain in the only calculation that matters: the electoral vote.













































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 15, 9:19pm]