
Senator John McCain: He has been underestimated before.



Le Figaro, France

Left Misses McCain's Assets: The Economy, Iraq and Congress


"Take the U.S. economy, the object of mockery by the French left which has predicted its imminent collapse for more than 25 years. It won't. ... In Iraq, the situation on the ground has changed significantly in recent months and there is a very good chance that America will win the war. Whether opponents of the war like it or not, the facts are stubborn and the statistics cannot be appealed."


By Nicolas Lecaussin*



Translated By Kate Davis


September 9, 2008


France - French - Original Article (French)

McCain and Palin on the campaign trail in Lebanon, Ohio, Sept. 9.


UK TELEGRAPH VIDEO: British analysts praise the choice of Sarah Palin, Sept. 3, 00:3:18 RealVideo

It has become a ritual. In each American election, analysts and much of the media rush to remind us that the poor state of the economy will play a fundamental role in the decision of voters. The famous phrase that was uttered by Bill Clinton has become a slogan, "It's the economy, stupid!" - but it seems to have more of an effect on these Cassandras  than on American voters. Because despite the excellent state of the economy during the Clinton years - the latter chose a Republican in 2000. And in 2004, they decided to triumphantly reelect the incumbent President - despite the "catastrophic situation" in which America found herself: in the midst of an economic crisis and mired in Iraq.


[The God Apollo is said to have given Cassandra [daughter of the king of Troy] the gift of prophecy. But because Cassandra rejected Apollo's romantic advances, he cursed her by making it so that no one ever believed her ].


At the root of this inadequacy is a profound ignorance of the facts. Take the American economy, the object of mockery by the French left which has predicted its imminent collapse for more than 25 years.


The latest figures show that in France, second quarter growth was 3.3 percent, and according to the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development , over the next year it could exceed 2 percent, which would be stronger than any of the G-7 member countries. We are therefore far from the previously announced recession and also very far from the grave crisis that U.S. Democrats are invoking to justify political and economic change.


The U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 2.2 percent between 2001 and 2008, despite the attacks of September 11. Under President Bush, the economy expanded by about 19 percent (as a comparison, that of France has grown by only 14 percent over the same period).


Between 2001 and 2007, unemployment in the United States has remained, on average, at 4.7 percent (a rate that our politicians don't dare dream of). Today, it's 5.7 percent of the active population (it was 5.4 percent when Clinton was reelected in 1996). In 2007, more than 3 million jobs were created. In the eurozone during the same years, the unemployment rate averaged 8.3 percent.


More interesting still, according to an annual study by the Census Bureau (America's official statisticians), which was just released, median income for 2007 has seen its third consecutive annual increase, exceeding $50,000 per year. And again, according to the same study, inequality has fallen: the income of the highest "quintile [top-fifth of all incomes]" decreased 0.8 percent, while the third and fourth "quintiles" rose by 0.3 and 0.4 percent, respectively. [There are a total of five quintiles]


It's true that the budget deficit worsened: from 1.2 percent of the GNP in 2007, it rose to 2.9 percent in 2008. But isn't that still below the rate authorized by European treaties? The increase is a result of military expenditures and tax cuts this spring: over $150 billion that rather mechanically caused a budget deficit. This will nevertheless be offset by stronger economic growth (which is the case for the second quarter).




It's true that inflation has been at 5.6 percent over the last few months, but a relatively good economic situation prevailing in an unfavorable context, marked by the mortgage crisis and the bankruptcy of several banks and financial institutions, is being felt in surveys on the well-being of Americans: a study by the Gallup Organization published on August 30 showed that only 9 percent of Americans say feel they are dissatisfied with their jobs and fear losing them in the months ahead. In another poll by Harris Interactive, no fewer than 94 percent of Americans said they were satisfied with the lives they lead. And according to polling organization specialists, the decline in the price of oil should reinforce this wave of optimism.


The second advantage John McCain has is Iraq. An ardent supporter of the 2003 American intervention, he was among those who supported the troop surge and has consistently maintained that the soldiers should stay until final victory. And the situation on the ground has changed significantly in recent months and there is a very good chance that America will win the war.



Whether opponents of war like it or not, the facts are stubborn and the statistics cannot be appealed: since June 2007, terrorist attacks have dropped by 60 percent, losses in the ranks of Iraqi civilian are down 70 percent since July 2007, as are American military losses (down 72 percent over the same period). Sectarian violence has witnessed a drop of 90 percent in one year and there are only a quarter as many daily attacks against coalition forces. It has come to a point in which General Petraeus, commander of coalition forces in Iraq (until the end of August), has declared that U.S. troops could leave Baghdad within a few months.


The economy is nothing to sneeze at. Over 30,000 foreign companies have invested in Iraq over the last three years, inflation has fallen by 65 percent in 2007 to less than 5 percent in July 2008; and the Iraqi federal budget doubled in three years, reaching $41 billion thanks to oil production that has surpassed that before the war. The Chinese have understood these changes well: they just announced a $3 billion investment in Iraq.


READ  Americans Appear Shut Out of Iraqi Oil Field In Favor of China


The final bit of good news from Iraq is the transfer by the Americans of the al-Anbar region into the hands of local authorities . This region, sadly famous for the battles in the city of Falujah, has become one of the calmest and safest in the nation. Attacks have dropped 90 percent in twelve months. And by the way, according to a report published in July by Jane's Information Group, Iraq is "only" in 22nd place among countries at risk - "beaten" by other countries like Somalia, Burundi and Nigeria.  



Finally, by dint of speaking about President Bush's unpopularity, we forget that of the Congress. Since November 2006 when it came under the control of the Democratic camp, Congress has been repeatedly rejected by Americans. Incapable of proposing the slightest relevant reform, Congress has a popularity rating of only 14 percent, while Bush's still reaches 34 percent. McCain would be wrong not to take advantage of that.


John McCain, whom President Bush has given his strong support despite their past differences, has all of these assets. However, though the Republican candidate has always supported Bush on Iraq, with regard to the economy, he opposed his tax cuts. But during his campaign he has changed his mind on this and has even proposed cutting taxes further if elected. He has understood that you don't change a formula that works.


*Nicolas Lecaussin is lecturer at the Political Science Masters Program at the University of Marne-la-Vallee, and is author of The State that Kills France (Plon, 2005) and Effective Absolutism (Plon, 2008)




















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US September 10, 1:25am]