
Chest-bumping at the Air Force Academy: Many Latin Americans take

a dim view of President Bush, to say nothing of his policies on Cuba ...



La Jornada, Mexico

U.S. 'Caligula' Has No Standing to Advocate for Cuban Freedom


"U.S. President George W. Bush - so discredited in his own country and in some ways bordering on mental retardation - persists in harassing the Cuban people under the ridiculous pretext of advocating liberty in that nation … It's difficult to comprehend how a psychopath raised to the heights of power can be regarded as a referee and leader of the struggle for freedom."


By Jaime Martínez Veloz*


Translated By Halszka Czarnocka


May 23, 2008


Mexico - La Jornada - Original Article (Spanish)

President Bush announces upcoming plans to deal with Cuban government and liberate Cubans, in the East Room of the White House, May. 21.


WHITE HOUSE VIDEO: President Bush marks 'Day of Solidarity' with Cuba, May 21, 00:33:21RealVideo

As he has done repeatedly, U.S. President George W. Bush - so discredited in his own country and in some ways bordering on mental retardation - persists in harassing the Cuban people under the ridiculous pretext of advocating liberty in that nation, which has for almost half a century endured terrorist attacks financed and supported from the highest spheres of the U.S. government.


The oligarchy of that country says it is very-much worried by the constraining living conditions under which Cubans have for so long had to safeguard their integrity and sovereignty, while it has simultaneously done everything possible to destroy the many (few, some say) achievements in the areas of education, health, welfare and dignity of Cubans - the very indicators of development in the name of which U.S. hypocrisy perpetrates the atrocities it commits.


It's fitting to recall that for many years, successive U.S. administrations have engaged in criminal terrorist activity to undemine the morale of the Cuban people, with the supposed objective of “liberating” them.


Thus, in order to “liberate” Cubans, the U.S. government hasn't hesitated to implement all kinds of activity to crush the Revolution since the moment of its inception. The imperial justifications for resorting to state terrorism range from combating communism to respect for human rights, and now to invoking economic freedom.


With this series of hoaxes, the U.S. government trained, armed and sent mercenaries against the island to wound, kill, mutilate and kidnap. It has bombed schools, factories and co-operatives. With the help of renegade Cuban exiles who attacked their own homeland, U.S. advisors embarked on these incursions - killing militiamen who fell while defending their co-operatives, schools and poultry farms and cutting off the ears of the island's peasant teens. Such post mortem mutilation, apart from being a humiliating practice typical of the colonial mentality (“war trophies” and convincing evidence of valor), was intended to sow terror and by example act as a corrective measure, showing the campesinos of the island who were their masters.


Years before they popularized the concept of weapons of mass destruction so hypocritically applied against the enemies of the empire (Saddam Hussein is the best illustration of this), U.S. leaders used such weapons against the island. From U.S. military laboratories along the Panama Canal, originated biological cultures destined to contaminate pig farms, destroy Cuban foodstuffs and reduce resistance from the people with hunger. What it was then, was an attempt to punish Cubans for supporting the Revolution. In a broader context, what better example of the use of weapons of mass destruction is there than the U.S.-imperial economic blockade of Cuba?


President Bush as Rome's first century emperor, Caligula: Is George W. really that bad? ...

We have already shown that any measure adopted by the Cuban authorities is immediately discredited by the fundamentalist usurper who arrived at the White House through a world-famous bungle. Like a modern Caligula , he has institutionalized torture as an official method of dealing with those he classifies as enemies. It is difficult to comprehend how a psychopath raised to the heights of power can be regarded as a referee and leader of the struggle for liberty - understood by reactionaries [the right] as “political and economic” freedom, so that for example, people are free to die of hunger under a social model dominated by predatory private corporations. Bush is a disgrace, even to the United States' people themselves.


In that vein, Bush has surrounded himself with the most primitive elements of the counterrevolutionary exile population to attack any sign of opening from the island. The imperial administration has sought to interfere with the recent announcement about the diffusion of cellular telephony on the island by declaring that it will use this new means of communication to attack the Cuban government.


Such a warning from the U.S. Nero , surrounded by the heirs of the exiled Cuban oligarchy who for half a century have been plotting their revenge and return in order to demand the restitution of their ill-gotten property expropriated by the Revolution.


This month, the Cuban government has complained that U.S. diplomats have been aiding those seeking to oust the government, especially through Marta Beatriz Roque - that nation's leading dissident.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Cuba says U.S. diplomat carried letters and funds to dissidents to help oust the Communist government, May 20, 00:02:29RealVideo

For our own peace of mind, we should read such signs from the White House as symptoms of the decay that pervades this administration, which has failed in political and economic terms, and which will be remembered as one of those global nightmares from which the people of the world wish to emerge, taking as an example the case of Cuba. Even with its many shortcomings, these pale when compared to its social achievements and dignity, whish are things always worthy of emulation.


Therefore, although the conditions imposed by economically powerful U.S. interest groups will try to bind the hands of the next president of that country, the truth is that with the approach of almost-Democratic-candidate Barack Obama, the situation can turn and give way to a stable relationship between the two countries. Rebuilding U.S. relations with Latin America is necessary for us and for the U.S. itself, and this will be impossible without rebuilding relations with Cuba. Already John McCain, in an attempt to discredit Barack Obama, has accused him of lacking expertise in international affairs. This remains to be seen; but the truth is that the Republicans - and especially Bush - are expert only in leading their people into wars they cannot win.


*Jaime Martínez Veloz is a former member of the Mexican Congress from the Party of Democratic Revolution [PRI]



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US May 28, 11:59pm]