An America soldier on patrol in Baghdad. Tehran postponed a fourth

round of talks with the U.S. on security issues facing Iraq. Could it be

that Tehran likes the instability? Many Iraqis have begun to think so.



Kitabat, Iraq

We Must Expel the Iranian

Occupiers and their Agents!


"The American occupation knows full well that in Iraq, Iran has the upper hand over the U.S. and its clients. And the Iraqi people are fully aware of the despicable acts instigated by Iran over the past five years."


By Dr. Fawaaz al-Fawaaz


Translated By James Jacobson


February 16, 2008


Iraq - Kitabat - Original Article (Arabic)

Iraq's occupation is twofold: the first occupation is fluid and is pursued by the Americans. The second is more fixed, and by this we refer to the Iranian occupation. We are all aware of it [Iran's occupation] and it purposes: stealing our nation's goods and enslaving its people. We are also aware of its enmity toward Iraqi culture, which by Allah's grace contains such enormous wealth that it astonishes the entire world. The occupier and other countries in the region salivate over Iraq's riches and despise Iraq's people, who are the best Allah ever has or ever will create.


Safavid [Iranian ] enmity toward Iraq knows no bounds. By dragging the people of Iraq, and particularly Shiites who support Iran, into a battle between the sects, they seek victory for the doctrines of Iran's mullahs. Iraqis of all sects but especially Iraqi Shiites eventually saw through these plans and realized that they had been targeted by Iran's filthy hatred and evil intent.


For the good of their people, the central and southern provinces have arrived at the absolute conviction that one way or another, Iran wants to humiliate them to achieve a sick dream, nourished by diseased hearts, which falsely represents itself to uphold Iran's slanderous doctrine of sectarian [Shiite] victory.


When Saddam's fall came, a majority Shiite government which imposed Shiite oppression took over. Under the pretext of this sect, the theft and Persianization of this Arabic country and even its Arabic tribes began.


The American occupation knows full well that in Iraq, Iran has the upper hand over the U.S. and its clients. And the Iraqi people are fully aware of the despicable acts instigated by Iran over the past five years.


The list of misdeeds is a long one and includes the assassinations of scientists, dignitaries and tribal chiefs; the smuggling of drugs; and sending men and women infected with AIDS to Iraq under the pretext of marriage to infect Iraqis. Iran even sent medicines which were infected with this deadly virus in order to destroy Iraq and Iraqis.


Some of these medicines contained a dose of poison. Being labeled candies, they claimed the lives of more than one member of the Iraqi Air Force. And if not the Iranians, who are responsible for the series refinery fires which have served to pressure the government to increase import of oil derivatives from the evil Iran? And once the derivatives enter Iraq, they then go back to Iran. It is well known that these goods enter Iraq with the help of clerics who sold out their consciences to these foreigners and who are now selling out their country.


The problem lies with a group of clerics who in one way or another rose to power with the help of Iran or its agents  - and most of them are of not of Iraqi origin. He who wants to break the back of Iran must eliminate these influential agents and clients. The most prominent of these thieves are:


Abdul Aziz al-Hakim , [leader of the Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council, Iraq's largest political party].


Sayyed Ammar al-Hakim  (the first thief of Iraq and the second face of Uday Saddam Hussein [the author means that he is Aziz Al-Hakim's son, just as Uday was Saddam's son]).


Hadi Al-Amri (Death squad leader [Shiite lawmaker and al-Maliki ally]).


Dr. Hamam Hamudi (Holds Iranian Doctorate [MP from Abdul Aziz al-Hakim's party).


Sadr Al-Din al-Qabanji (leader of physical liquidation squad in southern Iraq [a Shiite Cleric from Najaf]).


Jabr Solagh  (A murderer and thief [Iraqi Finance Minister]).


Jalal al-Din al-Saghir  (Imam of the Buratha slaughterhouse [Imam of the Buratha Mosque in Baghdad and ally of Muqtada al-Sadr]).


Dr. Saad Jawad Qandil (Holds Iranian Doctorate [also a member of Abdul Aziz al-Hakim's party]).


Dr. Hamid al-Biyati (Holds Iranian Doctorate [was Iraq's ambassador to the U.N.)


Dr. Mowaffaq al-Rubaie  (Zionist-Iranian double agent [Iraqi National Security Advisor]).


Dr. Khalid al-‘Atiyah  (Holds Iranian Doctorate [Iraq's Deputy Parliamentary Speaker]).


Basema al-Haidari (defense advisor to Prime Minister al-Maliki)


These are agents of the evil Iranian regime; their presence is bad for Iraq and their absence would mean peace for the rest of Iraq and its people.


The American occupation knows well that these are Iran's agents; they know what they do, how they do it, and who their commander is. And here we refer to Iranian ambassador to Iraq and officer of the Quds Force , Hassan Kazemi Qomi . They will be eliminated one way or another when American forces are finished liquidating the Al-Mahdi Army and al-Qaeda.   WORLDMEETS.US


We must indicate that it's Iran that supports al-Qaeda in order to disrupt the security situation in the country and extend Iraq’s instability. This costs the American occupier a heavy price and forces him to offer Iran a larger piece of the Iraqi pie. WORLDMEETS.US


Here we must note the words of Condoleezza Rice, who said during a televised meeting that it would be impossible to leave Iraq to the mercies of any nearby country, after the United States has lost so many of its young people and treasure.


The day will come - and it's not far off - when these men will secretly flee to the evil security of Iran, and the rest of us Iraqis, first and foremost the people of the south, will be free of their crimes.     WORLDMEETS.US


I'm confident some hyena or reader will attack my article. When they do, it will show that the critic is one of the lesser Iranian agents. In riposte let me say that he who agrees to sell Iraq out to Iran has committed the most heinous crime.

































[WORLDMEETS.US Posted February 20, 11:57pm]