Kayhan, Islamic Republic of Iran



Kayhan, Islamic Republic of Iran

WikiLeaks Release a 'U.S. Plot to Sow Discord'


Could it be that the release of classified U.S. diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks is part of a U.S. intelligence operation? According to this news item from Iran's state-controlled Kayhan newspaper, both the president and the Foreign Ministry spokesman of that country allege that there can be no other possible explanation.


December 2, 2010


Islamic Republic of Iran - Kayhan - Home Page (English)

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, casts doubt on the authenticity of the U.S. diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks. The Iranian government asserts that the release must be a U.S. intelligence operation.  

BBC NEWS AUDIO: 'New York Times' executive editor Bill Keller has justified the newspaper's decision to publish the confidential reports published by Wikileaks, Nov. 30, 00:02:58RealVideo

According to the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, the latest release of classified files by WikiLeaks is “highly dubious.”


“Regarding the WikiLeaks documents, the president has called this a highly dubious scheme … in order to authenticate the documents, certain crimes that were truly committed by Western countries and the U.S. have been included.”


Mr. Mehmanparast called the release a coordinated move and said that such a huge volume of documents couldn't have been released without the cooperation of Western intelligence services, in particular that of the United States. He said the release is an effort to sow discord among countries in the region and fuel Iranophobia, and called on nearby states to exercise vigilance.


Mr. Mehmanparast also responded to a question about comments by U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, which claimed that the documents reflected the concerns about Iran's nuclear program by Arab countries in the Persian Gulf.   



“The very fact that of all these documents, Mrs. Clinton focused on the ones that deal with the concerns of regional Arab states over the Islamic Republic of Iran's nuclear program … makes us even more suspicious of the documents.”


On Sunday, the WikiLeaks Web site released 250,000 classified U.S. documents, which touch on issues ranging from U.S. involvement in spying against the U.N. to the involvement of U.S. embassies across the world in espionage efforts.



El Universal, Mexico: WikiLeaks and Mexico's Battle Against Drug Trafficking

Toronto Star, Canada: WikiLeaks Dump Reveals Seamy Side of Diplomacy

Guardian, U.K.: WikiLeaks Cables, Day 3: Summary of Today's Key Points

Guardian, U.K.: Leaked Cables Reveal China is 'Ready to Abandon' North Korea

Hurriyet, Turkey: American Cables Prove Turkish Claims on Missile Defense False

The Nation, Pakistan: WikiLeaks: An Invaluable Exposure of American Hypocrisy

Kayhan, Iran: WikiLeaks Revelations a 'U.S. Intelligence Operation': Ahmadinejad

Novosti, Russia: 'Russia Will be Guided by Actions, Not Leaked Secrets'

Guardian, U.K.: Job of Media is Not to Protect Powerful from Embarrassment

ANSA, Italy: Wikileaks: 'No Wild Parties' Says Berlusconi

Guardian, U.K.: Saudi Arabia Urges U.S. Attack on Iran


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Some of the documents also claim that Saudi Arabia “frequently” exhorted the U.S. to attack Iran in order to diminish its nuclear program. The apparently leaked documents suggest that leaders of the Persian Gulf states of Qatar, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, along with the Israeli regime, also considered Tehran's peaceful nuclear program an existential threat, urging a U.S. attack on Iran.


Iranian President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, described the published documents as part of a U.S. “psychological warfare” program against Iran.


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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US December 2, 1:08am]


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