[Le Temps, Switzerland]
Kayhan, Islamic
Republic of Iran
Revelations a U.S. Intelligence Operation: Ahmadinejad
Could it be that the mammoth and embarrassing
release of U.S. diplomatic cables by WikiLeaks is part of America's plans to
undermine Iran? According to this news item from Iran's strictly state-controlled
Kayhan newspaper, Iran's president has dismissed some of the cables that
show Arab leaders nearly begging the United Stated to attack his country.
November 29, 2010
Republic of Iran - Kayhan - Home Page (English)
TEHRAN: Announcing that the
Islamic Republic has accepted a date for talks with the major powers, President
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday that Iran's right to enrich uranium is "non-negotiable."
"One of our rights is to
enrich uranium and produce (nuclear) fuel. This is non-negotiable," Ahmadinejad
told a press conference. "We proposed two dates and they accepted one of
them. We have no problem with that," Ahmadinejad said, adding that the
venue was still under review.
But RIA quoted Iranian
Ambassador to Moscow Mahmoud Reza Sajjadi as saying that, "the time of the
talks is set for December 5 and the site of the meeting will be Geneva."
President Ahmadinejad said, "The
complete enrichment cycle and production of fuel are basic rights of (IAEA) member
states and are non-negotiable." The powers want Tehran to curb its program
in exchange for a package of trade and diplomatic incentives that have been on
offer since 2006.
"We'll negotiate about
nuclear cooperation," Ahmadinejad said. "We have always been ready
for nuclear cooperation, but we will not enter talks over our obvious nuclear
rights. We are now prepared to talk about nuclear trade."
Ahmadinejad said that enemies
of Iran have used computer code to create "limited" problems at some nuclear
sites for the centrifuges involved in uranium enrichment.
"With software they installed
in electronic parts, they succeeded in creating problems for a limited number
of our centrifuges," he said. "They did a bad thing. Fortunately, our
experts discovered it and now they are unable to do so," he said.
The president went on to
dismiss the documents released by whistleblower WikiLeaks as "worthless"
and "mischief" and said they would not affect Iran's relations with
its Arab neighbors.
"The documents they
released are a mischief. We see no value in them. This is a worthless act,"
he said at a press conference broadcast live on state TV. "These documents
are prepared and released by the U.S. government in a planned manner and in
pursuance of a goal. This is an element of intelligence warfare and will not
have the desired political impact."
"We are friends with countries
in the region, and mischievous acts will have no affect on relations," he
According to an April 2010
memo, Saudi King Abdullah has repeatedly pressed the United States to attack
Iran to halt its nuclear program, saying the U.S. should "cut off the head
of the snake."
The cables also allege that
Abu Dhabi's Crown Prince Muhammed bin Zayed as early as 2005 expressed support
for military action against Iran. King Hamad of Bahrain, meanwhile, told U.S. General
David Petraeus in November 2009: "That (nuclear) program must be stopped ...
The danger of letting it go on is greater than the danger of stopping it."
Another message shows that
Kuwait Interior Minister Jaber Khaled al-Sabah believes, "the U.S. will
not be able to avoid a military conflict with Iran, if it is serious in its
intention to prevent Tehran from achieving a nuclear weapons capability.
by WORLDMEETS.US November 29, 6:32pm]