
Stewart and Colbert: Lampooning the right on both sides.



Jornal de Negocios, Portugal

Jon Stewart: 'Good F#@king Questions Demand Good F#@king Answers!'


"Stewart knows that exposure is the best medicine and, with a sense of unique civic trust, he allows the interviewee - and the public - room for free opinion, not reacting; but, as he does when faced with a misunderstanding based on the error of sterile exaggeration, he eventually shoots back."


By Nicolau do Vale Pais



Translated By Brandi Miller


October 22, 2010


Portugal - Jornal de Negocios - Original Article (Portuguese)

The conversation begins on the subject of a cowboy hat provided by the guest on that night for the host, comedian Jon Stewart. The prop had been made for Ronald Reagan, one of the "enlightened" fathers of self-regulating market and grandfather of the subprime crisis. Dick Armey, former Republican congressman and author of the book Give Us Freedom - The Tea Party Movement Manifesto, defines himself as a defender of the Second Amendment and says that "for a desert island, I would choose to take a gun;" Said Stewart, "I would choose to take a boat."


The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Dick Armey
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity


Throughout the interview, Armey argues that the political class (he doesn't say if he means all of it) has usurped "the people" by taking office (again, he doesn't mention if he means all of them), and that taxes "the people" pay aren't being properly spent (he has already said he means all taxes). Inspirationally prudent, Stewart listens until the end of this rant: his humor redeems us from these fools who, taken with the seriousness they demand, would in fact incite anarchy and the end of post-Civil War American Federalism.


Making use of the credibility garnered by his enduring and successful program, he scheduled the "March to Restore Sanity" for October 30; He says that the march is meant to give the floor to the "80 or 85 percent of Americans who are not extremists" and to compensate them for the "15 to 20 percent who are - and who dominate the national political debate." With a familiar sense of anticipation and timing, this "showman" scheduled the event for two days before the mid-term elections - perhaps the most important one of its kind in recent years.


Arsonists in sheep's clothing who are ensconced in the system and blame its bankruptcy on the dangerous back-and-forth between bonhomie and Peronism, cool in the presence of pragmatism and lucidity. A few years ago, on the same program, I watched another interview with a radical conservative named Ann Coulter, who, oscillating between bipolar communal love and sectarian hate, found liberals and liberalism guilty for almost everything, from the financial crisis to the moral crisis (she didn't say which moral crisis nor who was involved). Her theory: "There may be bad Republicans, but there are no good Democrats."


The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Ann Coulter
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRally to Restore Sanity



Global Times, China: The West is Forming an 'Axis of Evil Ideology'

El Universal, Mexico: Immigration Reform: Obama's Ace in the Hole

Le Temps, Switzerland: America's 'Cry of Agony' Through the Tea Party

Izvestia, Russia: Evil Obama and China's Yuan: It's About the Midterms

Liberation, France: Christine O’Donnell at the 'Oral Stage'

Financial Times Deutschland, Germany: West Must Halt Slide Since 9-11

El Mercurio, Spain: The 'Neo-Nazi' Campaign Against President Obama

El Mundo, Spain: Beck and Palin Search for Mythical 'Paradise Lost'

Der Standard, Austria: In Despair Over Democracy - Both America's and Ours

National Post, Canada: U.S. Democracy Suffers 'Death By Talk-Show Host'

La Jornada, Mexico: Beck and the New U.S.-Right: 'Like a Horror Movie'

Iraq News Agency, Iraq: Sarah Palin: The 'Seductress' of the American Election


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Stewart knows that exposure is the best medicine and, with a sense of unique civic trust, he allows the interviewee - and the public - room for free opinion, not reacting; but, as he does when faced with a misunderstanding based on the error of sterile exaggeration, he eventually shoots back: "that's curious, because the old liberal-conservative battle almost seems like an older paradigm; in reality, it feels like the real battle is extremism against moderation."   



There's nothing more fun than seeing the saga transform puppets into scarecrows. "Good f#@king questions deserve good f#@king answers" is a great slogan.



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 29, 3:07pm]


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