
Kingmaker: Supporters of Iraqi cleric Muqtada al-Sadr celebrate an

alliance between the al-Sar faction in Iraq's National Assembly and

Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, apparently guaranteeing a second term

for the controversial Iraqi leader.



Iraqi News Agency, Iraq

Al-Maliki's Coalition with Al-Sadr 'Angers Americans'


"We always knew that whether it was Jeffrey or some other U.S. official, they would act in accordance with the mentality of the occupier, which of course we reject."


-- Qusay al-Sahil, a member of Muqtada al-Sadr's faction


"It was to be expected that the Americans would support al-Maliki, since he's the one that implemented the Campaign of the Knights (reference to the military campaign against al-Sadr's Mahdi Army). But now that Maliki is allying himself with it, this will definitely anger Washington."


-- Adnan al-Danbus, member of Alawi Iraqi List


By Amina Yunis


Translated By James Jacobson


October 10, 2010


Iraq - Iraqi News Agency - Original Article (Arabic)

The man once referred to by the White House as the 'radical cleric' Muqtada al-Sadr may be Washington's worst nightmare: In the Iraqi democracy America fought to create, it looks like he is the kingmaker.


ABC1 NEWS AUSTRALIA VIDEO: Preview of a special on the occupation of Iraq from the point of view of the men in Iraq's resistance, Oct. 10, 00:02:35 RealVideo

BAGHDAD: On Wednesday, the Americans broke a week-long silence about Nouri al-Maliki receiving the blessing of Muqtada al-Sadr for a second term as prime minister. American Ambassador James Jeffrey expressed great concern about the coalition formula backed by Tehran, which prompted al-Maliki to respond personally, saying that Jeffrey's information was inaccurate.


In the meantime, a member of the al-Sadr faction described the concerns of the U.S. ambassador about a Sadrist-Maliki coalition as a continuation of the mentality of occupation.


Informed sources expect al-Maliki’s opponents to exploit Washington’s fears to maximum effect. Ambassador Jeffrey said of al-Sadr that he's no different from any of the others who are obstructing Iraqi democracy. In televised remarks, Jeffrey said that any formal role granted al-Sadr by the Iraqi government would, negatively affect the emergence of a strategic partnership between Washington and the Baghdad government.


This is the first indication from Washington about the coalition formula being championed by Tehran, which was achieved with great difficulty after America preferred to attempt to create a constructive relationship between Maliki and the leader of the Iraqi List, Ayad Alawi [who won the most votes in the March election].



But Qusay al-Sahil of the al-Sadr faction wasn’t surprised by the American reaction, describing it as to be expected. Al-Sahil said, "We always knew that whether it was Jeffrey or some other U.S. official, they would act in accordance with the mentality of the occupier, which of course we reject."


Shiite cleric and political leader Moqtada al-Sadr, right welcomes the

Ayad Allawi, winner of Iraq's election seven months ago, to a meeting

in Syria on July 19. Syria called the meeting to try and bridge the

gap between Sunni Allawi and Shiite al-Sadr. Since Allawi is seen as

less sensitive to Iranian influence, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon,

Jordan and Egypt all favor him over Prime Minister Maliki.




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Guardian Unlimited, U.K.: Iraq is 'Half Built with the Roof Off'

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Debka File, Iraq: U.S. Ends Iraq War, Leaves Two Civil Wars 'On the Boil'

Debka File, Israel: Combat Between U.S. and Iran Looms in Iraq
Kitabat, Iraq: America's 'Promise': To Leave Iraq in a State of Civil War
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Moreover, Adnan al-Danbus, a member of the Iraqi List led by former Prime Minister Ayad Ailawi, said, "it was to be expected that the Americans would support al-Maliki since he is the one that implemented the Charge of the Knights (reference to the military campaign against the al-Sadr's Mahdi Army in the south of the country). But now that al-Maliki is allying himself with it, this will definitely anger Washington."



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 11, 3:19am]




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