

[Het Parool, The Netherlands]



Folha, Brazil

What Bush Has Wrought: 'It's All Incredible' …


"The richest and militarily most powerful nation is on its knees at the end of Bush's reign. Even the most coherent solution to the current crisis - the injection of capital directly into banks - came from overseas, from the United Kingdom, and was replicated in the United States. It's all incredible."


By Fernando Canzian*


Translated By Brandi Miller


October 19, 2008


Brazil - Floha - Original Article (Portuguese)

James Brolin as George W. Bush in Oliver Stone's 'W': The icing on the cake at the end of Bush's reign.


TRAILER: Oliver Stone's latest film, 'W'RealVideo

WASHINGTON: Between the American election on November 4 and the inaugural of a new president, the world will still have 77 days of George W. Bush.


Thankfully, Bush won't escape history so easily: thanks to the world of images, or the “culture industry,” as coined by Horkheimer and Adorno , Bush will finish by being widely exposed to the public in the excellent W, a new film by director Oliver Stone (maker of JFK, The Doors, among others) - which has a spectacular and moving performance by Josh Brolin in the role of the President [trailer below].


[Editor's Note: 'Culture industry' is a term coined by Theodor Adorno (1903-1969) and Max Horkheimer (1895-1973), who argued that popular culture is akin to a factory producing standardized cultural goods to manipulate the masses into passivity ].



Even without being unkind to Bush (on the contrary), the film ends up serving as one more nail in the coffin of the President and his family, which for 200 years has been pecking around American power.



The film is also a slap in the face of Americans who elected him twice. The second time in 2004, by the way, Bush and the Republicans gained complete victory: in the popular vote, in the Electoral College, in the House and the Senate and in a majority of states.


Between the re-election of Bush and now, the end of his second term, the U.S. passed through the height of unilateralism, arrogance and the use of force, to make an unprecedented call for international cooperation. If the United States goes bankrupt, Bush’s America will be the most spectacular case of collapse in contemporary history.


In four years [2000-2004], the destiny of the United States and of Bush had turned water into wine, with the strong negative impulse exuded by the President and his small and obtuse core of power. In Washington during 2003 and 2004, I had the privilege of reporting the facts before the Iraq War and, more to the point, the reelection of Bush. The U.S. was behaving like a different country. The major newspapers devoutly believed almost everything the President said. People stocked up on water, food and batteries in their homes at the smallest sign of a new terrorist catastrophe. The Patriot Act allowed for the monitoring of millions of phone calls among common Americans, and the government filled the atmosphere with the most potent fear they could create.


That's how Bush got reelected, by cheating the easily-deceived average North American with stories of terror.


Stone's film is just a sign of the melancholic end of the Bush era. The once all-powerful advisors to the president - with the power to record, interrogate and imprison - have now been exposed in a way that was unimaginable four years ago. To the point of the main gay (and free) newspaper in Washington, the Blade, asked this week in its headline: Is Condie Gay? , referencing nothing less than U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice - a spinster similar to our mayor Kassab [the thought-to-be gay mayor of São Paulo, Brazil ].


The Bush years have also permitted an indelible crack to appear in the largest economy in the world. It was discovered that the U.S. would barely have grown over the past five years if it hadn't been pushed along by consumption. Surprise: it was financed by unworthy loans that gyrated into the abyss. The country is broken.



The richest (?) and militarily most powerful nation is on its knees at the end of Bush's reign. Even the most coherent solution to the current crisis - the injection of capital directly into banks - came from overseas, from the United Kingdom, and was replicated in the United States. It's all incredible.


But as extraordinary as this may seem, with his arrogance and ignorance, Bush may have rendered an immense service.


If U.S. growth is close to zero over the next two or three years, which is very possible, the size of the Chinese economy will have increased from one third of the U.S. to more than half. Several other emerging countries will also gain a larger slice of global activity. At least in economic terms, it will be a different world.


Perhaps this is Bush’s central legacy.


Fernando Canzian, 42, is a special reporter for Folha. He was the managing editor and editor of Brasil and Painel, and a correspondent in Washington and New York. He won the Prêmio Esso in 2006. He writes on Mondays.















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 24, 4:56pm]