[Guardian Unlimited, U.K.]



Financial Times Deutschland, Germany

'Daredevil' McCain's All-Too-Clear 'Hubris and Irresponsibility'


"With a single stroke last week, McCain demonstrated that his apparent prudence was just a shell, and that his penchant for risk-taking and all-or-nothing gambles would provide the real background music for his presidency."


By Thomas Klau*



Translated by Julian Jacob


September 4, 2008


Germany - Financial Times Deutschland - Original Article (German)

Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin holds her four-month-old son Trig, after her speech at the Republican National Convention, Sept. 3 ...


UK TELEGRAPH VIDEO: British analysts praise Sarah Palin, Sept. 3, 00:3:18 RealVideo

We knew from his biography that John McCain was a daredevil: since his childhood days, his mother Roberta assures us, rebellion and risk have been his elixirs of life. So it's all the more impressive to have seen the discipline McCain has shown during the recent phase of his campaign. Completely against his own inclinations, the Republican candidate strictly adhered to the message designated by his campaign strategists. Just like a finely-polished right-wing Republican, McCain remained consistently "on message," as one says in the jargon of American politics. Journalists pined for the old free spirit, but the tough campaign strategy paid off in the polls. McCain's deficit in regard to his Democratic opponent, Barack Obama, shrank, and the prospect for Republican success on November 4th no longer so seemed a phantasm.


With a single stroke last week, McCain demonstrated that his apparent prudence was just a shell, and that his penchant for risk-taking and all-or-nothing gambles would provide the real background music for his presidency. To nominate Governor Sarah Palin as a candidate for the vice presidency, someone almost completely unknown outside Alaska and inexperienced in foreign policy - is so bold, that some well-known Republican commentators set aside campaign solidarity and harshly criticized McCain, as if they were advocating for the Democrats.




As far as campaign tactics are concerned, with the choice of Palin, McCain has locked himself out of accusing the charismatic Obama of lacking political experience - a criticism that was at the core of his previous campaign strategy. Instead, the senator intends to win by attracting those voters who primarily see Washington as a Gomorrah [reference to the biblical Sodom and Gomorrah ], and who consider Palin a great choice because she embodies their image of the super-active, happy-go-lucky American wife and mother.


Palin should enthuse Christians, hunters and anti-abortionists, and may yet obtain the votes of disappointed Hillary Clinton supporters who can't get over the fact that once again, Democrats have nominated two male candidates at the top of the ticket. For war hero McCain, the brave Marine pilot from the American upper class, Palin represents a counterpart from the middle class. Especially in regard to White American voters, it is the same attractive force that Obama has exerted in his campaign, and which has mobilized Black voters like never before.


But Palin's nomination is still an enormous risk - and it shows that McCain is ready to ignore the advice of experts, shock his supporters and put everything on the line. Election researcher Charlie Cook, one of the best analysts of American politics, summed it up this way: "The decision for Palin was either brilliant or insane." If Palin falters in the televised debate with her counterpart Joe Biden, who is highly experienced in foreign policy, it could in the extreme case cost McCain the presidency. There is an old rule of thumb that the secondary election campaign for the vice presidency plays very little role in the decision of voters. But this may offer McCain little protection, if for example, Democrats can prove that the Alaska governor has serious foreign policy shortcomings and that by choosing her, McCain is gambling with the national security of the United States.






McCain's hubris and irresponsibility are already evident. Hubris, because only his belief in his own immortality over the next four years justifies his decision to choose a vice president that, other than two years as Alaska governor, has only the experience as the mayor of an Anchorage suburb. Irresponsibility, because U.S. Presidents are always in great danger of being assassinated, as was shown by the killing of John F. Kennedy, but also by the attempt on Ronald Reagan. This occurred on March 30, 1981, 69 days after Reagan took office, and it almost cost the former President his life. Imagine a President McCain being shot on the evening of the March 30, 2009 - with the world waking up the following day with a President Palin, who less than two years ago said in an interview about the Iraq War: "I’ve been so focused on state government, I haven’t really focused much on the war in Iraq."


One must go back decades in American history to stumble upon a Vice President as poorly qualified for office as Palin. When the father of the current U.S. President, George H.W. Bush, designated lawmaker Dan Quayle as his vice president-designate, he was harshly criticized due to his lack in foreign policy experience - even though Quayle had already spent twelve years in the U.S. Congress. Palin has particularly distinguished herself in the battle against corruption. And it is a beautiful irony of history that Richard Nixon, because of corruption in office, had to force out his deputy, Spiro Agnew,  who was the last U.S. Vice President to enter office with so little prior experience.   





[The Australian, Australia]


That which has been published in the United States over the past few days about Palin's family and personal life - over and above her views on politics and foreign policy, puts the intellectual condition of the U.S. and America's media in a very unflattering light. The first debate between the two candidates was moderated by a preacher, and they had to discuss and answer questions on their attitude toward faith and how they would deal with biblical evil. Meanwhile, a politician could become president in five months whose position on war and peace is largely a mystery, and all that is being discussed is the impact of her daughter's pregnancy. The country in which all this is happening is the most powerful on earth. But how much longer?


*Thomas Klau is an FTD columnist and heads the Paris Office of the European Council on Foreign Relations.
















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US September 7, 7:35pm]