
John McCain at a rally at in Hershey, Pennsylvania:

even in Europe, he has his supporters.



Expresso, Portugal

The Left's Intolerance and Why I Back McCain


"A friend of mine ordered a shirt through Amazon supporting John McCain. The shirt came, he put it on and he went to work. Nothing could have prepared him for the spectacle that followed: colleagues and friends alike looked at him with frowns of incomprehension and disgust."



Translated By Brandi Miller


October 27, 2008


Portugal - Expresso - Original Article (Portuguese)

A friend of mine ordered a shirt through Amazon supporting John McCain. The shirt came, he put it on and he went to work. Nothing could have prepared him for the spectacle that followed: colleagues and friends alike looked at him with frowns of incomprehension and disgust. It was so intolerable that by mid-afternoon, he decided to change so as not to get into any more trouble in an atmosphere that is a mostly artistic, in other words - leftist.


The episode is interesting because it reveals the mental framework within which the left usually wallows. I think it was Roger Scruton who summarized it perfectly: when a “conservative” criticizes a “progressive,” he makes the assumption that the adversary is wrong. The criterion for dispute is epistemological, not ethical. But when a “progressive” criticizes a “conservative,” the judgment is moral: and the adversary is simply the enemy.


Of course there are many exceptions to this. But the exceptions confirm this: pluralism doesn’t enter into the mind of the moralistic and intolerant leftist. It was precisely this moral arrogance on the left, when coupled with an obvious lack of sense of humor, which made me a person of the right. 



And McCain? Obama? Yes, I would like McCain to win. And I even believe McCain will win: the polls always inflate the Democrats (remember Carter against Reagan). But it won't disgust me if Obama wins. What I have heard about his foreign policy (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran), leads me to predict two fatalities. First, that the left will be profoundly disillusioned with Saint Obama (to my infinite laughter). And second, that Obama will be a worthy representative of American democracy and freedom, both of which I'm fond of.





































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 28, 8:45pm]