
Governor Palin: Dangerous as many people fear?



Excelsior, Mexico

Sarah Palin: A Brilliant Selection ... Until After Election Day


"Just the idea that a woman like Mrs. Palin could make it to the White House - with the frankly fundamentalist ideas she has exhibited throughout her public life - is extremely worrying. … Even a Hare Krishna seems better than a fanatical Christian, right out of some chapter of the Old Testament, who is far from the spirit of tolerance exemplified by Christ."


By Cecilia Soto


Translated By Paula van de Werken


September 8, 2008


Mexico - Excelsior - Original Article (Spanish)

McCain and Palin on the campaign trail in Lebanon, Ohio, Sept. 9.


UK TELEGRAPH VIDEO: British analysts praise the choice of Sarah Palin, Sept. 3, 00:3:18 RealVideo

It's hard to believe that excessive sincerity was the reason President Calderon "made a mistake" when expressing explicit support for the candidacy of John McCain. It's more likely that he had bought the thesis that the Republican candidate would be better for Mexico because of that Party's traditional support for free trade - and of course, its support of the North American Free Trade Agreement. He undoubtedly also weighed the career of John McCain: a native of the border State of Arizona, McCain is well-aware of the issue of migration between the two countries, has been a supporter of a comprehensive solution to this phenomenon, and is generally a good friend of Mexico. It's likely that President Calderon, just like Carlos Salinas during the failed re-election campaign of George H.W. Bush [1992], has deliberately sought to exert whatever influence he might have on Latino voters in favor of McCain. A crass mistake.


Little good will these winks and honest gestures serve Mexico if the world continues to slide toward a deeper crisis, both in terms of economics and energy, and above all, if the United States continues to expand the fronts of war or the obvious confrontations in which it is increasingly involved. It may be argued that what one saw at the Republican Convention was just partisan rhetoric, but it made one's hair stand on end.


[The Economist, U.K.]


Consider the case of Sarah Palin. What I have said, even if it isn't politically correct, I say again: Woman candidates and governors are not intrinsically better than men - which is painfully demonstrated every day by [Argentine President] Cristina Kirchner. The privilege of motherhood, proximity to children and differences in genetics, hormones and ways of being treated by the world, allow women to see aspects of society that men often overlook. Women may also tend to approach problems differently - in a more conciliatory and inclusive fashion, but this isn't a rule.



The selection of Governor Palin as a candidate for the Vice Presidency was an astute move by McCain, for it showed every sign of being a fine case of electoral marketing - although it's extremely worrying for anyone who can see beyond Election Day.


First there's the issue of McCain's age: 72 years. With advances in preventative care, being "seventy-something" may be a decade of great maturity and the realization of an individual's talents, as has certainly happened during the campaign of the Arizonian. And yet, it is an age with significant health risks. Just the idea that a woman like Mrs. Palin could make it to the White House - with the frankly fundamentalist ideas that she has exhibited throughout her public life, is extremely worrying. In a world in which fundamentalisms pose the greatest threat to the United States and world peace, it's important to have statesmen who are outside that mental trap.


[Montreal Gazette, Canada]


A religiosity in conflict with science; a cheerleader for the theory of creationism against the evidence for the theory of evolution; a skeptic about global warming whose speech at the Convention sparked the chilling war cry of, "Drill, Baby, Drill" (meaning more oil wells), without the slightest hint of change in the pattern of energy consumption in the United States; a woman who doesn't approve of abortion - not even in case of incest or rape. Even a Hare Krishna seems better than a fanatical Christian right out of some chapter of the Old Testament, who is far from the spirit of tolerance exemplified by Christ. A fanatical Christianity capable of deepening the divisions that exist today between people in the United States.  



Despite the many fine qualities of Senator McCain, his choice of Governor Sarah Palin shows the tendency of candidates to sell their souls for a fistful of votes. And in this case, he has betrayed the central theme of his own campaign, "Nation First," because if the nation came first, he wouldn't endanger it by selecting a woman who might replace him at the White House who has neither the judgment, nor the expertise, to do so responsibly.




The entire world suffers from the responsibilities of the Republican Administration; colossal deficits in both the budget as well as foreign trade, derived largely from the erroneous policy of tax cuts; the wretched oversight of credit institutions, large and small, which has brought about the mega-crisis of mortgage loans; from the lie of "weapons of mass destruction" which led to the invasion of Iraq and greater instability in that region, while the terrorists of al-Qaeda get away with murder; and from the deterioration of the U.S. system of education, which today depends on the influx of foreign scientists in maintain its leadership in scientific innovation.


It is a world radically different from the one live in by John McCain during his heroic saga in Vietnam. It is an increasingly multi-polar world that requires new reflexes from the superpower. Things won't go well in Mexico if things go badly in the rest of the world.



























































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US September 11, 1:28am]