President Hugo Chavez: Evidence is piling up that he has been helping

FARC rebels battle the Colombian government. Washington and much

of the world classifies the FARC as a terrorist group, which could result

in sanctions against Venezuela. Chavez calls the charges a 'clown show.'



El Universal, Venezuela

'Imperial Folly' and the Unity of Latin America


"South America's real 'crime' is that its people have opted to break with the tradition of governments who have acted to further the mandates of imperial power and elect leaders who are strongly committed to their own people."


By Francisco Arias Cárdenas


Translated By Miguel Guttierez


May 19, 2008


Venezuela - El Universal - Original Article (Spanish)

Never have so many coincidental events marked the lives of our people than during the days we are living through today. These are times of turning points, of forks in the road and of contradictions between various interests that come to the surface and here and there, show themselves.


About three weeks ago, Brazilian defense minister Nelson Jobim, on a tour of our nation and other South American countries, carried a proposal for a military alliance for the South American continent. This proves that if one dreams the impossible, one can live to see those dreams come true. [Defense Minister Jobim said a South American defense council to mediate regional conflicts and defend South America from foreign intervention could be formed this year. He was quoted as saying, "there is no possibility of participation by the United States because the council is South American and the U.S. is not in South America" … and that "we have no obligation to ask for a license from the United States to do this" ].


FARC commander Raul Reyes, killed in a Colombian raid on Ecuadorian terrirtory. Computers found in the raid may prove that Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has been aiding the rebels and therefore aiding terrorists.

Just a few days later events occurred that we are only now beginning to grasp. On the one hand, first we heard of the [U.S.] Fourth Fleet . Then, Interpol presented the contents of the alleged computer that that is said to confirm charges made by the government of President Uribe [Colombia], which was allegedly captured in Ecuador after the territorial violation of that nation.


[Editor's Note: Interpol announced on May 17 that computers recovered in a Colombian operation against FARC guerillas on Ecuadorian territory were not tampered with by the Colombian government. Colombia has been releasing some of the information found on these PCs that it says proves Venezuela President Hugo Chavez has been supporting the guerillas, possibly lending them money and offering them sanctuary. The FARC, shorthand for Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-People's Army, is a left-wing guerilla group that now controls about 40 percent of Colombian territory [see map on right]. Funded largely through drug-trafficking, the group is the central target of U.S. sponsored Plan Colombia WATCH ].


No one can take seriously the evidence revealed by the police of Interpol on the basis of an investigation conducted into a criminal action like that carried out by President Uribe's government on Ecuadorian territory.


All indications are that South America's real "crime" is that its people have opted to break with the tradition of governments who have acted to further the mandates of imperial power and elect leaders who are strongly committed to their own people and exclusively serve the interests of their own nations.



But what seems even more serious for the bosses of empire and its lackeys in our countries is the unity of Latin America. We have no doubt that the reality which the Union of South American Nations  represents is the most immediate cause of the hogwash and slight-of-hand we've seen recently from imperial agents.








Tal Cual, Venezuela

'North American Empire'

Seeks to 'Internationalize'

Conflict with Colombia …


La Jornada, Mexico

'Our America' Needs Forum

Without the United States …


La Hora, Ecuador

President Correa: Prove Your

Charges of CIA Infiltration! …


















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US May 20, 11:15pm]





A map showing the locaton of the attack, including Colombia and its neighbors, Venezuela and Ecuador.

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: Anti-FARC raid by Colombia into Ecuadorian territory brings region to the brink of armed conflict, Mar. 3, 00:01:20WindowsVideo

RealVideo[LATEST NEWSWIRE PHOTOS: The killing of FARC Commander Raul Reyes].

A map approximating the area of Colombia controlled by the FARC - roughly 40 percent of all Colombian territory.