Uribe says to McCain: 'PARDON THE MESS.' Items on floor

are labeled: 'PARA-POLITICS' [Uribe is accused of assisting

right-wing paramilitary groups], 'HUMAN RIGHTS' [Democrats

accuse the Colombian government of not protecting Trade Union

activists], 'FIGHT WITH THE COURT' [Uribe showed a lack

of respect for the Supreme Court, after it questioned whether it

is legal for him to run for a third term, 'JEWISH POLITICS'

[May refer to the comon perception in Latin America that Jewish

people have undue influence in the U.S.].



El Tiempo, Colombia

McCain's Colombia Visit a 'Brassy, Tawdry Show'


"The fact that we received a presidential candidate who doubles as a clone of the present occupant of the White House with such excessive honors, makes clear our position of inferiority - a position accepted with servility by Colombia's Chief of State."


By Óscar Collazos



Translated By Paula van de Werken


July 3, 2008


Colombia - El Tiempo - Original Article (Spanish)

Senator McCain speaks in Cartagena, Colombia, July 3.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: John McCain tours Latin America, July 3, 00:01:59RealVideo

Candidate John McCain's visit to Colombia, longer than those of Presidents Clinton and Bush;  strict security measures taken in Cartagena; his presence at Casa de Huespedes Ilustres [the Colombian version of Camp David]; coverage of his visit by the national and international press; and words of praise for the anti-drug and "anti-terror" policies of President Uribe, suggest that Uribe is depositing a symbolic vote for the Republican candidate in the ballot box - a very risky card to play.


Seen from the other side of the coin, the Republican candidate's visit is a pat on the back for President Uribe, who is so close to Bush's foreign policy that he's one of the few Latin American presidents who shares the shame - along with Bush- of not wanting to accept that the U.S. began a war of aggression and occupation based on a colossal lie, and which today it doesn't know how to get out of.


Favor for favor. The words of the Presidential host and the preferential treatment given to the visitor seem intended as a response to the Democrats, who have frozen approval of the Free Trade Agreement and who have raised uncomfortable questions about the violation of human rights by forces of the Colombian State.


Despite the ambiguous efforts of Uribe’s government to imply that this visit doesn't rule exclude a future visit by Barack Obama - the Democratic candidate who leads his rival McCain in the polls - that's the message which has been sent. The Colombian President, key to the neoconservative policies of Bush, could also be the key to Latin American reaffirmation of those policies should McCain be elected.






President Uribe has accepted that Colombia will become the only remaining beachhead left to the United States on the American sub-continent. He has confused respect with undue servitude. And although Plan Colombia was at first an agreement in principle between a conservative [Colombian] president and another Democrat [Clinton], this Colombian President and the Republican candidate now have many things in common. Hence the verbal ping-pong of the visit.


This unusual campaign stop is also an election visit for Uribe. It occurs at a time that he remains entangled in the web of Presidential arrogance, without having escaped the mud being thrown by his friends in the [Colombian] Congress. But above all, at a time when he's being challenged by the Supreme Court of Justice, he defies and rebukes it as if it were a matter of slapping the face of a “fairy [an effeminate man]” who betrayed his confidence in the halls of the [Presidential] Palace.


'Visit By McCain'                                                         [El Espectador, Colombia]

[Editor's Note: Last week, Colombia's Supreme Court sentenced a former lawmaker for accepting illegal favors from government officials for supporting a bill that changed the Colombian Constitution to allow Uribe to seek a second term. The Supreme court asked the Constitutional Court to review the legality of Uribe's re-election effort - a request the court denied. Ironically, this is exactly what President Hugo Chavez tried and failed to do last year in Venezuela - only Venezuela followed a more democratic route. It held a plebiscite. Where that move was decried in Washington as a power grab - no such complaints were voiced over Uribe's successful alteration of the Colombian Constitution].

The fact that we received a candidate who doubles as a clone of the present occupant of the White House with such excessive honors, makes clear our position of inferiority - a position accepted with servility by Colombia's Chief of State. No one imagines that a President of the United States would welcome one of our country’s candidates for president with such preferential treatment - above all during the period right before the election. With great difficulty, a U.S. leader might similarly receive a regional under-secretary. 






If McCain’s visit is for the purpose of gaining support within the Latino electorate, he won’t win any invitations just because the Colombian Head of State contributed his “grain of sand,” to the McCain campaign - which was accepted during the brassy, tawdry show we observed. If this tour was meant as an early indicator of what McCain's policies will be toward Colombia, a judicious report from our ambassador to Washington, accompanied by an official note advising against such a visit, would have sufficed.















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US July 4, 5:14pm]

Colombian President Uribe, right, with Senator John McCain, left, and his wife Cindy, with Senator Joeseph Lieberman standing behind, in Cartagena, Colombia on Tuesday. Deny it as he might, given the effusive welcome accorded John McCain this week, it appears as though Colombian President Uribe has thrown his lot in with the Republican Presidential candidate. If McCain loses, that could be a huge mistake ...

—BBC NEWS VIDEO: John McCain tours Latin America, July 3, 00:01:59RealVideo

RealVideo[LATEST NEWSWIRE PHOTOS: McCain visits Latin America].

Colombian Comandante Roberto Garcia Marques briefs Republican candidate John McCainand his wife Cindy on Plan Colombia, in Cartagena, Colombia.