
Obama and the Kremlin: Is the newcomer ahead of the game?



Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace, France

Obama 'One Card Ahead' of Moscow and Tehran. Clever!


"The East Europeans suffered so much from Soviet domination, anything which defies the Kremlin makes them happy - which is why Warsaw and Prague welcomed Bush's project."


By Dominique Jung



Translated By Sandrine Ageorges


September 19, 2009


France - Les Dernières Nouvelles d’Alsace - Home Page (French)

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev: Will Russia help President Obama deal with Iran's nuclear program? It is on this basis that his decision to scrap the East European anti-missile shield will be measured.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Russia's Ambassador to NATO, Dimitri Rogozin, applauds U.S. decision to drop plans for anti-missile shield in Europe, Sept. 18, 00:04:00RealVideo

Barack Obama's abandonment of the anti-missile system George Bush wanted to deploy in Poland and the Czech Republic is an important decision.


Apart from for the competition with China and the Israeli-Palestinian dispute, the decision focuses directly on the main diplomatic issues that Obama must confront: relations with the European allies; relations with Russia; attitudes toward Iran; the evaluation of the threats that weigh on the United States; and the size of the U.S. defense budget.



Moscow has never digested the fact that Poland and other “fraternal lands” that were once tied to the Kremlin are now armed and equipped by the NATO camp. The shield that Bush dreamed of was a major dispute. The renunciation of this project inevitably delights the Russians, eager to see threats in all that occurs along their border, and, via satellite, above their heads.


France and Germany, mindful of ensuring that the United States doesn't see Europe as a protectorate, have also saluted Obama’s decision. In this, they differ from the former “East European satellite” countries that joined the European Union in 2004, which are very disappointed by what they see as allegiance to Moscow. They suffered so much from Soviet domination, anything that defies the Kremlin makes them happy - which is why Warsaw and Prague welcomed Bush’s project.


Obama’s reasoning is based on the conviction that Iran is incapable of developing long-range missiles. No need to panic. So it's better to use this sensitive issue to calm the international game.


The first amicable response of sorts came as soon as yesterday: Russia has abandoned its plan to install Iskander Missiles in the enclave of Kaliningrad, which Russia governs in the middle of the European Union [Kaliningrad is located between Poland and Lithuania on the Baltic Sea. See map, left]. On the other hand, there is no understanding that the Kremlin will renounce arms sales to Iran or be willing to sanction the country when its provocations hardly disturb it.


In the end, the White House gamble is quite a reasonable one. If later, Russia doesn't respond to his outstretched hand, Obama will have lost nothing. But what Obama will have is an objective reason to toughen his policy if Russia decides to go it alone in Caucasus or is uncooperative in Afghanistan. Taking the first step isn't the worst way to get a rival to be more understanding.  



If in addition it helps eliminate an extremely expensive project with uncertain effectiveness, so much the better. Only fans of military escalation will cry heresy.


For now, Obama is one card ahead of Moscow and Tehran. Clever!  




Yezhednevniy Zhurnal, Russia: Should Russia Praise or 'Curse Those Treacherous Yankees'?  

Gazeta, Russia: After the Shield: Time for Kremlin to Bring Itself to Reciprocate

Novosti, Russia: Iran Can't Be 'Swapped' for Halt to U.S. Missile Defense  

Nezavisimaya Gazeta, Russia: Medvedev 'Confesses' His Plans Differ from Putin's    

Rzeczpospolita, Poland: Obama's Russia 'Gambit'

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Obama's Lesson: Poland Can't Count on the United States

Rzeczpospolita, Poland: Banish All 'Magical Thinking' Regarding the Russian Bear

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: Missile Shield Talks: How the Bush Team Lost Poland

Sydsvenskan, Sweden: Obama's Anti-Missile Gambit Pursued for the Greater Good

Le Monde, France: Obama's Missile Policy Change a Shrewd Gambit

Der Spiegel, Germany : 'Russian Euphoria' at Obama's Decision To Shelve Missile Shield

The Times, U.K.: 'Dismay in Europe' as Obama Ditches Missile Shield

Novosti, Russia: Russia's NATO Envoy Warns Against 'Childish Euphoria' Over Shield


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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US September 22, 5:59pm]



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