
[Al-Ahram, Egypt]



Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace, France

In the Middle East, Obama 'Confronts Disaster'


"The terrorist Hamas has come out the political winner of the war. … The entire peace process that the United States led must be rebuilt - with a new willingness to treat Israelis, Palestinians and their Arab neighbors on an equal footing."




Translated By Kate Davis


January 23, 2009


France - Les Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace - Home Page (French)

Among the many foreign policy challenges confronting Barack Obama, the question of the Middle East [Israelis and Palestinians] is as much a priority as the American withdrawal from Iraq or the fight against Islamic terrorism. All of these pressing issues are linked by an Gordian knot of hate that conflates Israel, the United States and the West in general. Palestine, which is undefined in a geographic sense, serves as a pretext for all forms of extremism, from Hezbullah to Hamas and including various splinter groups. All under the orchestration of the grand organizer, Iran.


There is considerable fear that the bloody Israeli offensive in Gaza will even further exacerbate these passions. Even if the ceasefire seems to be respected, even if the Israel Defense Force has withdrawn its armor, nothing is settled there and won’t be as long as the borders of that miniscule territory remain closed. Authorizing the passage of humanitarian convoys or fuel trucks allows the population to survive, not live.


The continuing Israeli blockade will not soon erase the memory of hundreds of children and civilians killed in the indiscriminate fire that destroyed schools, U.N. buildings, hospitals and mosques. The “excuse” that Hamas fighters were hiding behind the population - which, moreover, is true - no longer flies. Complaints about war crimes and use of prohibited weapons (white phosphorous bombs) are piling up. Israel has lost much of its capital of sympathy in Europe and has alienated Turkey, its only Muslim ally. As for the Arab countries who were close to Washington and who early on proposed a peace plan based on the pre-June 1967 borders, they now seem to be regretting the initiative, Riyadh most of all. This could definitively isolate the Hebrew state. 





Unfortunately, that's not all. The terrorist Hamas has come out the political winner of this war, the military goals of which have not been met. Weakened in the West Bank where the Palestinian Authority exists only as a shredded power scattered among increasingly invasive Israeli colonies, Mahmoud Abbas is proposing a “national union” to his Islamist opponents. The time is not far off where Hamas, without recognizing Israel but by renouncing violence, will become a viable interlocutor. Already, several European capitals, including Paris, are in touch with the organization which has long been held in contempt.


President Obama is confronted with a disaster. Even if Washington’s support for Israel will never be in doubt, the Bush era, with its blank checks to successive Israeli governments, is over. Meanwhile, the entire peace process that the United States led must be rebuilt - with a new willingness to treat Israelis, Palestinians and their Arab neighbors on an equal footing.





































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US January 27, 06:27pm]