[Hoje Macau, People's Republic of China'



Die Zeit,Germany

America's Final Downfall? We Had Better Hope Not!


"China is now America's largest creditor; the dollar's role as the dominant global reserve currency is seriously endangered; the American financial system is threatened with collapse; and the only answer to this crisis, an existential threat to the entire global economy, is nationalization by Washington's Republican government! … One must hope that it's only a temporary phase of weakness and not the beginning of America's final downfall. "


By Joschka Fischer*



Translated By James Jacobson


September 22, 2008


Germany - Die Zeit - Original Article (German)


A migrant mother, in a photo taken in 1936 for the Farm Security Administration, a post-Depression Federal program to help the nation recover from the crisis.


FINANCIAL TIMES VIDEO: What Just Happened? Wall Street's Wild Week, Sept. 20, 00:6:20 RealVideo

In a few weeks, it'll be the 19th anniversary of the night that the Wall came down and the Cold War came to an end. In the following years, the United States stood alone at the summit of global power. A new American century emerged, designed and determined solely by the global power of the United States.


Today, just 19 years later, we are witnessing the decline of American power. This decline can be traced essentially to a mixture of arrogance and blindness on the part of the active participants in the United States.


The current grave crisis in the American financial system is a provisional climax in this decline in power, which can be compared in its magnitude only to the global crisis of 1929.


The U.S. State and its citizens have long lived in debt, driven by a policy of cheap money from the Central Bank [the Federal Reserve]. Eventually, the adjustment to hard economic reality had to come.


Furthermore, through the use of so-called "new financial instruments," a shadow economy in the banking and financial systems has been created, in which existing legislative controls and restrictions have been successfully overcome. The markets made themselves independent, and unbridled greed openly ruled - proving itself a program for self-destruction - and not for the first time in global capitalism.


Certainly, this process didn’t begin with the election of George W. Bush as 43rd President of the United States. But since he took over in 2000 - and with him the neoconservatives of the Republican Party - the U.S. government has been headed rapidly into decline.


[Stuff, New Zealand]


Under the banner of a "New American Century," Bush and the neoconservatives chose a policy based on sole American predominance. The results are now clear to be seen:


Due to Guantanamo and torture, America has lost her moral credibility; Thanks to the Iraq War, Iran has achieved regional supremacy in the Middle East; American military power has become overstretched due to a wrong and unnecessary war; Bush inherited a balanced budget from Clinton and has since acquired a huge mountain of debt; China is now America's largest creditor; the dollar's role as the dominant global reserve currency is seriously endangered; the American financial system is threatened with collapse; and the only answer to this crisis, an existential threat to the entire global economy, is nationalization by Washington's Republican government!



When reality makes the gags of cabaret artists look old and tired, it is at its most bitter. The motherland of the free market economy has nationalized its financial system and its mortgage loans! And all of this is happening under a Republican President! If the situation weren't so serious and dangerous, one could have quite a laugh. In fact there's nothing to laugh about, because with the decline of the global growth engine known as the United States, the global economy is being pulled down with it. This will also increase the danger of domestic conflicts and social tensions, which could spill over into foreign policy.



[Hoje Macau, People's Republic of China'


One may at times harshly criticize the United States over its foreign policy. But as a regulating power, it cannot be replaced by Russia or China. And unfortunately, not by a stymied and divided Europe. The negative impact of the decline of American power will therefore become apparent within international politics, since the U.S. no longer has the influence that it once did as a power that can keep the peace.


Historically, there has always been a correlation between economic crisis and political tension and even war. Thus, the crisis of 1929 lead directly to the Second World War. Thank God the danger of such a hot global confrontation doesn't exist today, since nuclear deterrence prevents this. In addition, with about 6.6 billion people - in 1929 there were only over 2 billion - a drop in free trade along with entirely new communications technologies can produce only losers. And increasing regional and even global tensions are by no means out of the question.



Considering the negative consequences of declining American power, one must hope that it's only a temporary phase of weakness and not the beginning of America's final downfall. However, we Europeans must finally wake up and unite politically and responsibly to prepare for tougher times and greater responsibility.


*Joschka Fischer was German foreign minister and Vice Chancellor in the government of Gerhard Schroeder from 1998 to 2005.















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US September 23, 11:28pm]