

The world holds a sign that says, 'HUMAN RIGHTS.'

The world says to Obama, 'Come this way.'

[El Heraldo, Honduras]



Diario Co Latino, El Salvador

What Obama Will and Will Not Do


"If the United States stops a good portion of its meddling in other countries and allows them to live freely and without strings, without pressuring them - that will be a great victory for the world. … Other countries will be more willing to express their positions and concerns, overcoming the fear and terror that the country of the north has imposed on them."


By Eduardo Badía Serra


Translated By Barbara Howe


November 25, 2008


Diario Co Latino - El Salvador -Original Article (Spanish)

President-elect Barack Obama: Are people expecting too much of the man?


BBC NEWS VIDEO: President-elect Barack Obama pledges to rebuild the United States, Dec. 6, 00:02:39. RealVideo

Opinions without politics.


The North American people have elected Mr. Barack Obama their new president as of next January. The election process took place in an atmosphere dominated by the economic crisis combined with a social crisis that has been around for many years, and reveals a country of shocking and profound contradictions.


Because how can a country that is, as they say, the richest in the world in economic terms, the most developed in terms of science and technology and the most influential politically, have been incapable of anticipating the now looming economic collapse - its second in less than 100 years - which has occurred in an atmosphere deprived of the values expressed in its magna carta a decent, harmonious society, with strong families and a sustainable lifestyle?


There are many answers to this question. The longing for economic power, an excessive individualism, a messianic vision of its role in the world, etc. etc. etc. Mr. Obama, then, confronts a challenge of great proportions: overcoming a crisis that is impacting the entire world, transforming the social atmosphere of his people and responding positively to the enormous expectations that the world has placed in him because of his Black roots and his democratic discourse during the campaign.


But what can our people expect from Mr. Obama? I don't believe he will fundamentally change the North American system, even less its economic one. Of course, strong and urgent action must be taken to salvage the situation and put certain large global predators in their place, but the United States of America will remain the country of free enterprise, the country of free markets, the country of individual freedom and freedom in all things economic (but not in the social field). That cannot be changed. Its essential structure, the manner of thinking of its habitants (who live to work, but don't work to live) is something that cannot be changed overnight.


North American hegemony in the economic and political world will continue without significant changes, in my opinion. One shouldn't have higher expectations than this of the man. Yes, I think we can expect that Mr. Obama will be more prudent - much more prudent - when it comes to the warmongering of his country (which at its core is purely due to its economic interests); and it's possible that the situations in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Guantanamo and other places in the world will change greatly for the better. 

[The Times, U.K.]


I also think we can hope for a U.S. with a more respectful foreign policy toward its neighbors and the rest of the world. The policy of the virtual stick with which Mr. Bush has tried to depend, I believe, will disappear during the Obama administration.


He will also likely have a more humane vision in terms of sustainable development and respect for the environment, which has been so mercilessly attacked by the North Americans. I think he understands much more clearly than Mr. Bush that the natural world should be respected by mankind and that and we should live in harmony with it.


That's what I expect from Mr. Obama. This is no small order. I don't think there will be substantial changes to their immigration policy - at least as of today, I seriously doubt it. But even with this, the world will benefit enough. If the United States stops a good portion of its meddling in other countries and allows them to live freely and without strings, without pressuring them - that will be a great victory for the world. International relations will change, and within this new hemispheric environment, other countries will be more willing to express their positions and concerns, overcoming the fear and terror that the country of the north has imposed on them.



Our country shouldn't have too many expectations in regard to this change of government in the United States. Our problems - so many! - must be resolved by ourselves and not others.


Certainly these are unpredictable times. We've already seen an indigenous man accede to power in Bolivia. Now a man of color will accede to the presidency of the richest country in the world. How wonderful! These are good signs - signs of equality and real democracy. But these facts have nothing to do with the actual management of government. Those obey other guidelines, and regardless of race and skin color, what matters is the ideological position and vision of the world of those who take the reins of their respective countries into their hands.


That is why I say:

People, reject superficial discussions!

People, be careful of the siren song!

People, arise and walk!


Is this about politics? Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

ooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo





Then what?


Of these and other things we will continue to talk, if El Diario permits me.








































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US December 7, 7:54pm]