
At the Glenn Beck 'Restoring Honor' rally on Saturday, people

were asked not to bring political banners, so some wore them.




Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

An 'Evil Omen' for Obama


"America's right-wing scored an unexpectedly significant success with a provocative rally in Washington this weekend. ... Most of the participants were White Americans over the age of 50. Many carried flags of the Tea Party, a conservative protest movement against Obama."


By Christoph von Marschall


Translated By Stephanie Martin


August 29, 2010


Germany - Der Tagesspiegel - Original Article (German)

Glenn Beck rallies his faithful at the Lincoln Memorial: Hopelessly misguided - or is he onto something?


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Glenn Beck rally draws comments on faith and government, August 29, 00:03:23 RealVideo

America's right-wing scored an unexpectedly significant success with a provocative rally in Washington this weekend. According to estimates, several hundred thousand people came to the Lincoln Memorial. The organizers had expected 100,000.


It was there, 47 years earlier, before an audience of 250,000, that Black civil rights leader Martin Luther King gave his famous “I Have a Dream” speech about an America without racial barriers. It was 1963 and the event was the culmination of the weeks-long “March on Washington” in the struggle for equal rights for African Americans. 


Representatives of the political left consider it a provocation that the right beat them to it this year, by obtaining a permit to hold a demonstration on this symbolic day at this symbolic location - and that it tried to co-opt the tradition of King. But only a few thousand participated in the counter-demonstration led by Black minister and politician Al Sharpton. Martin Luther King’s oldest son and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan spoke at Sharpton's event. There are only about two months until the Congressional elections, which will determine whether President Obama loses his legislative majority.



According to the Washington Post, the actual number of participants at the rally before the Lincoln Memorial is likely to become a political point of contention. Police and the Park Service provided no specifics, indicating that it is difficult to count people on the National Mall, a wide green space interspersed with trees. Aerial photographs showed people standing tightly packed together in the 900 yards between the Lincoln Memorial and the WWII Memorial or in loose groups between the War Memorial and the Washington Monument, the obelisk in the middle of the two mile-long National Mall.



Der Standard, Austria: In Despair Over Democracy - Both America's and Ours

La Jornada, Mexico: Beck and the New U.S.-Right: 'Like a Horror Movie'

Iraq News Agency, Iraq: Sarah Palin: The 'Seductress' of the American Election

Liberation, France: The Awakening of the 'White American Male'


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Glenn Beck, the conservative television and radio host whose broadcasts reach millions and who for days had been calling on people to participate, initiated the demonstration. He spoke afterwards of 300,000 to 500,000 participants. Michelle Bachmann, the arch-conservative delegate from Minnesota said: “We're not going to let anyone get away with saying there were less than a million here today.” However, according to the aerial images, this number is a gross exaggeration.


Beck had announced that the rally was to be nonpolitical. According to Beck, its goal was to restore America's honor and thank the military for its services. "Something that is beyond man is happening," he declared in a preacher-like tone during the opening. "America today begins to turn back to God." A storm of enthusiasm broke out as Beck introduced Sarah Palin, the former Republican candidate for Vice President, as the second keynote speaker. "I’ve been asked to speak not as a politician but as something much more. I’ve been asked to speak as the mother of a soldier," she said. In 2008, her eldest son, Track, began an Iraq deployment. The U.S. soldiers were "a force for good," she exclaimed.  



Most of the participants were White Americans over the age of 50. Many carried flags of the Tea Party, a conservative protest movement against Obama. When asked why they were participating, they responded that America's economy and politics are on the wrong track and that something must be done about it. "Look around you," said Palin. "You are not alone. You are American. You have the same steely spine and the same moral courage as Lincoln and King." Alveda King, a niece of the civil rights leader, also spoke. Like most of the right-wing, she is strictly opposed to abortion.


At a counter-rally, Democrat Eleanor Holmes Norton criticized the co-opting of the civil rights leader. King’s speech in 1963 “changed America” and helped the country “overcome the low points of our racial history.” Beck’s march, on the other hand, would “change nothing.”



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US, September 1, 12:47am]




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