[The Times, U.K.]



Der Tagesspiegel, Germany

Americans Demand 'Freedom' to Pay More for Less


"At issue is one of the fundamental ideological differences between the old world and the new: What freedoms and risks should society leave to the individual, and when should the community step in to help."


By Christoph von Marschall


Translated By Jonathan Lobsien


August 19, 2009


Germany - Der Tagesspiegel - Original Article (German)

What is the proper role of government in the lives of the people? A monumental battle to change the U.S. health care system has been joined, with the veracity of the government the central issue for people on the right.


BBC NEWS AUDIO: American health care debate sparks controversy over the British health care system, Aug. 17, 00:05:08RealVideo

Little by little, the U.S. is turning Barack Obama himself, that exceptional politician, into a proper American. And he will not get a majority for the introduction of universal health insurance, even if he has approached the subject more cleverly than the Clintons did 15 years ago.


At issue is one of the fundamental ideological differences between the old world and the new: What freedoms and risks should society leave to the individual, and when should the community step in to help. On this point - the duties of the state - Americans and Europeans have nearly opposite views. Americans tend to consider it an evil. It is unfortunately necessary for the defense against enemies and their way of life as well as a few organizational tasks, but otherwise it should stay out of their lives. Europeans grant the state educational duties and responsibilities, from social security to salvaging the environment and climate. For the majority of Americans, this makes the hair on the back of their necks stand on end.



Arguments and examples from experience count for little in this quarrel. On many fronts, America’s mistrust of the state is refreshing, but not on health policy. The coverage of the average U.S. citizen against illness and its consequences is worse than in Germany, even though they have to pay considerably more. But a whole lot of Americans see the issue of freedom in the debate about health care reform: the state has never prescribed whether someone should insure themselves, or how. For most Europeans, that’s hard to relate to.


Now Obama is giving in. He's willing to waive publicly-funded health insurance for the millions of uninsured for whom premiums are too high or who have been rejected by private insurers due to preexisting conditions. Previously, the president tacitly gave in on another election promise - universal insurance.


The resistance comes from citizens who are genuinely outraged at what they see as state interference and business groups that are earning good money from the existing system. They are abusing the founding myth for their own purposes. The U.S. was created as a "land of the free" against the dictatorship of monarchies in Europe. Opponents of the reform are going so far as to cite Thomas Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."  



Le Figaro, France: Health Care: Obama's 'Moment of Truth'
Le Quotidien d'Oran, Algeria: Health Care Knocks Obama Off of His Cloud  
The Independent, U.K.: The Brutal Truth About American Health Care  
Daily Mail, U.K.: U.S. Debate on Health Care 'Fit Only for Children's Ward'  


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Obama is realizing what his nation will and won't accept. There's likely to be health reform in the end. But the overhaul that ultimately wins majority backing won't resemble what he promised during the election campaign.


This has long ceased to be about the uninsured. They comprise only 15 percent of the citizenry and only 10 percent of voters. For those who are insured, the freedom to choose now takes precedence. Part of that freedom, as Americans see it, also includes the freedom to pay too much for health care which is inferior compared to other systems.








































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US August 24, 6:55pm]



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