
Blog de Jamildo, Brazil

Brazil's 'Barack Obama' Dreams of Being City Councilor


"He (the real Obama) draws crowds when he preaches politics. He does everything with great transparency and simplicity. He is a Black man who beat out discrimination and is a step away from the White House."


-- Alexandre Nunes Jacinto, aka/Alexandre Barack Obama, candidate for the city council of the municipality of Sertão


By Roseanne Albuquerque


Translated By Brandi Miller


August 23, 2008


Brazil - Blog de Jamildo - Original Article (Portuguese)

Alexandre Nunes Jacinto, aka/Alexandre Barack Obama, who is a first-time candidate for the city council of the municipality of Sertao.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Barack Obama launches his bid for the White House with a speech promising to end the broken politics in Washington and the failed polices of George Bush, Aug. 29, 00:42:26 RealVideo

PETROLINA: What does an American senator who could become the president of the most powerful country in the world, have in common with a country man from Serrote do Urubu, about 9 miles from downtown Petrolina ? You might assume that there's no correlation whatsoever, but for Alexandre Nunes Jacinto (PSDB Brazilian Social Democracy Party ), a first-time candidate for the city council of the municipality of Sertão, there are many points in common. The candidate - who signs his campaign-name as Alexandre Barack Obama - emphasizes his determination for more equitable politics as one of them.


"He (the real Obama) draws crowds when he preaches politics. He does everything with great transparency and simplicity. He is a Black man who beat out discrimination and is a step away from the White House," comments Alexandre. "But we have differences too. He's rich and elegant, and I'm not," he laughs, cheerfully.



Those who imagine this rural "Obama" as another of those exotic figures that invade municipal elections every four years are in for a great surprise when they meet him. He's a man of average height, well-dressed, pauses before he speaks and thinks a lot before expressing his ideas. He states, categorically, that he chose to use the senator's name because of the admiration he has had for the American politician for some time. "About four years ago, I was at the house of a politician here in Petrolina, and I saw a book that quoted the biography of Barack Obama. I was impressed and began some research," he reveals.


While the American senator/celebrity has two degrees (Political Science from Columbia University and Harvard Law School), his countryside counterpart was unable to finish high school. He makes a living selling air conditioners and is only able to take on the campaign thanks to his family's support and the help of friends. In his hunt for votes, he covers the geographic distance between voters by alternating between a motorcycle and a bike. "In downtown I walk and go store to store. When campaigning by motorcycle, I count on help from friends. One comes and puts in the fuel, and then I circle around going after voters," he explains.


Map of Pernambuco State. Alexandre 'Barack Obama' is running

for city council in Sertão, just outside Petrolina, which is on the

far west of this map.


A married father of three, the candidacy of Barack Obama of Pernambuco [a state in Brazil ] has taken many people by surprise. Including his family. "My wife didn't know. When I said I wanted to run, she said we were in debt and very poor. We even fought. But now everything is fine. I guaranteed my family that they will not have to go without. They are all committed to the campaign," he affirms.


Over the next few days, the candidate can count on some very special help: from his mother of 82 years. "She is getting some medical treatment in São Paulo, but she says she can't wait to get back to work on the campaign," he says. In a marketing tactic, he uses religious images and two signatures on his campaign material. Those distributed in the rural zone just have his name, Alexandre. Those in the urban zone have "Barack Obama."


"The public in the central region has more access to the world's political news. Those in the interior could become confused and that could hurt the campaign," he says. 



If he wins a seat on the council, Alexandre intends to fight abusive sewer and electricity rates. "I want the Council to develop more serious work and be more committed to the people. Many councilors, even those that are educated, aren't in it for a love of the voters. They want to be in the media but don't try to help the people," he said. Registered with the PSDB, this country version of Barack Obama asserts that he has no trouble holding a dialogue with politicians of various groups. But he isn't holding back on who his model is. "I respect all the candidates, but I have a special admiration for Oswaldo Coelho. He holds education as his goal. Ever since I have followed him, he has encouraged me to return to my studies."


The great dream of this man from the countryside is to be the mayor of Petrolina. "I will be a councilman and then mayor, for the same party, without changing to another," he guarantees. And who knows, maybe before that he will reach the White House. "I want to meet Barack Obama. But for this to happen, I need to overcome my fear of traveling by plane," he concluded.




Le Monde, France

A Global Wave of Politicians Named Obama




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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US September 2, 9:50pm]