doubt, after seven long years of war, that WikiLeaks is all that interested in
the human rights of Iraqis, or that Julian Assange cares about Iraq's bereaved.
… This is a new game being played by the site, the purpose of which is only to
benefit from media exposure - and nothing more. … WikiLeaks rubs salt into our
wounds even though it should be the first to know that the wound hurts no one
but its bearer."
WikiLeaks has spurred a new
misinformation fad with its release of thousands of obscure documents about the
war to “liberate Iraq.” Up to now, no one could have known the contents - or at
least they haven't been discussed by people in the know. Most of the documents
are vague and talk of Iraqi losses which are an undeniable reality understood
by all Iraqis. In the years 2004-2007, our lives were in great danger. We would
go to work as if we were going to the front lines. We were at constant risk and
couldn’t go out without wondering when a bomb would explode or a stray bullet would
go through our chests or heads.
The war in the cities was
much more ferocious than the "liberation" war. War on the front lines
meant that the military was in front of you and was very clearly
identified. But the war that came later and would destroy almost everything was
al-Qaeda’s war. Then as now, women and children were killed as easily as men
and the number who died was many times greater than those killed by American
forces. The total is well beyond the number mentioned by WikiLeaks.
A thousand souls were lost on
the Imam's
Bridge alone, and the suicide bombings that took place were more horrifying
than those caused by stupid bombs. For example, in one type of attack, the
suicide bomber would drive a gasoline tanker into the middle of a neighborhood,
stand behind it, open its spigots and blow himself up so that the bodies of the
innocents were turned to ash. Or a cowardly suicide bomber would enter a
popular marketplace, a market for the poor, and when the dust settled after the
explosion, one would see hundreds of Iraqi corpses charred beyond recognition.
These were people without guilt or religious infidelity and who weren't
responsible for shedding even a drop of American blood, killed in an attack motivated
by a fatwa issued by one of the imams of darkness.
I doubt, after seven long
years of war, that WikiLeaks is all that interested in the human rights of
Iraqis, or that Julian Assange cares about Iraq's bereaved. Nor do I think any
other Arab, regional or even international entity, cares. This is a new game being
played by the site, the purpose of which is only to benefit from media exposure
- and nothing more. We are the people concerned, and we know where we were and
what we've become after seven years, the painful memories of which eat us alive.
There is no Iraqi man or woman that hasn't lost a relative or loved one, and
our family trees replete with martyrs of every race and age.
We know where we are regarding
corruption and degradation and we know what it's like to swing back and forth
between optimism and pessimism. Nevertheless, we're continuing on out path of asking
Allah to bless us with the security that has turned out to be a phantom
whenever al-Qaeda and the "Un-Islamic State of Iraq" has drowned our
people in their own noble blood. But Allah is the highest and best and knows of
all of our travails.
Now that the United States
has left or is leaving and the situation is in the hands of Iraqis, why do some
still scream about the infidels and slaughter? And why do we still hear shouts
about infidels from across the border [in Iran]?
WikiLeaks rubs salt into our
wounds even though it should be the first to know that the wound hurts no one
but its bearer.