Newspapaer: Al Iraq News

[The Toronto Star, Canada]



Al Iraq News, Iraq

The U.S. is Bad, Iran is Worse, and They Work Hand in Glove


"The secret relationship between America and Iran is beginning to emerge. America the occupier has undertaken nothing beyond the occasional public relations operation, the most recent of which was President Obama's statement after the victory of America's darling, Ahmadinejad."


By Khalid Al Qaragulli


Translated By Nicolas Dagher


June 20, 2009


Iraq - Al Iraq News - Original Article (Arabic)

I don't understand the silence of the Arab and Iraqi media in the face of the crimes committed by Tehran's rulers and agents in Iraq. Is this silence one of appeasement or fear? Only Allah knows. Some satellite channels and official newspapers and Web sites do actually show and write of what these criminals that claim to be good neighbors of Iraq have been up to. And at a time when we as a community of journalists and media in my country of Iraq and our brothers in the Arab world should be exposing these criminals - I know there are many ignorant people rolling up their sleeves to defend our so-called loving neighbor of Iran.


The story of our Iraqi people and those in neighboring countries is a long and sad one. For generations, Iraqis, under different political and ideological systems, have opened their arms to both governments and peoples, oppositions - and oppositions to oppositions - rich and poor, Arab, Asian and African Arabs, arabized and arabizing Arabs, nationalist and Communist Arabs, Shiite and Sunni Arabs. They opened their doors to all countries without exception. There's a long list of sons of the Arab nation that have found refuge only in Iraq. When someone became a martyr in Palestine, Lebanon, the Golan Heights, the Arab Gulf, Egypt, Eritrea, Algeria or Somalia, Iraqis would always make a big issue of it and instinctively go to the streets and squares of Baghdad to denounce the enemies of Arabism. If an Arab football team defeated a non-Arab one, the people of Baghdad, Basra, Al Anbar, Mossul and Nassiryah would fire their bullets in the air. When an Arab is attacked by a foreigner, imams at their pulpits in Najaf, Kerbala, Saladin, Meesan and Kut would call on Allah, begging him to bring victory to the Arabs. Go just once to the cemeteries of the martyrs in Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, the Arab Gulf and areas of Morocco, and you'll find the sons of Iraq buried beneath the soil of the great Arab Nation, who fell to defend their religion and Arabism.




Kitabat, Iran: Iran and America: Friends or Foes?
Kitabat, Iran: Teheran 'Infiltrating' and 'Poisoning' Iraqi Culture!
Kitabat, Iran: Iran's 'Scheme' to Use Religious Tourism to Control Iraq!
Sotal Iraq, Iraq: America's Withdrawal and Iran's Unquenched 'Appetite for Expansion'
The Times, U.K.: Why Iraq's Don't Care about Iran's Election
Kurdish Media, Iraqi Kurdistan: Without American Troops, Kurds 'Face Annihilation'
Baztab News, Iran: The Americans Only Look 'Simple-Minded'
Baztab News, Iran: Iranian Lawmakers Sound Off on Talks With Washington
Le Temps, Switzerland: America and Iran: Secret Talks in Geneva 'Revealed'


Yes - this is the story. And in all that time, no imam or Muslim jurist ever called on Allah to support the people of Iraq or bring them salvation from their strife. From the most pure of pulpits, the true pulpit of guidance and faith, the pulpit of the Arab Prophet Mohammad - May Peace Be Upon Him - no one ever mentioned them. The imams in Mecca, Medina, the Al Aqsa Mosque, the Arab Gulf, Al-Azharand and Damascus all race to support Muslims in Tora Bora, Kandahar, Chechnya, Bosnia Herzegovina, Darfur, Wac Wac land, and the North and South Poles - but not even a prayer for the Iraqi people. The Americans wiped Hiroshima and Nagasaki off the map in 1945, killing, maiming and turning into refugees hundreds of thousands of Japanese. During World War II, when Germans and Allies killed one another by the millions, Europe got burned so badly that its green areas turned brown and its blue rivers ran red. But after a few years they forgot all about it and began building a new world and a united Europe, all while being of different races, religions, beliefs and cultures.


Iraqis are now at a loss for explanation. Their great, young, green and water-rich country is tortured by the Americans, who turned it into a fateful avenue for their struggle with our "beloved" neighbor Iran, which is eager to withdraw from Iraq, putting all of its weight on our eastern border to resolve the confrontation at any price. [Author seems to believe that with the U.S. withdrawing, the Iranians want to pull their "covert" invaders out of the country, while boosting their official presence].



Iran can hardly find enough hand grenades or bullets to kill the largest number of Iraqis, while the Americans help Iran in the task by dropping chlorine bombs and thousands of tons of explosives!


Iraq is now beyond the stage of being polarized and has begun to oxidize [rust?]. Physicists and chemists tell us that oxidization is a long process that could take centuries. But if we know the oxidizing agent and how to remove it, the world will witness the cleansing of Iraq. Its people will rest and the only elements that will need to be removed will be the non-Iraqi extremists. Iraqis will be relieved of the armies of imams and pretenders looking for paradise regardless of the price.


The secret relationship between America and Iran is beginning to emerge, after the bloody massacres that have occurred and continue to occur in my country of Iraq. America the occupier has undertaken nothing beyond the occasional public relations operation, the most recent of which was President Obama's statement after the victory of America's darling, Ahmadinejad. It's puzzling that so many doors are knocked and windows opened and yet no one bothers to reply! [Criticism of Obama's failure to condemn the Iranian president after the contested election of June 12. When he mentions "doors knocked and windows opened," he refers to Iranian protesters after the vote. The author believes America wanted Ahmadinejad to win].


      [The Independent, U.K.]


Several years ago, many noble and patriotic scientists, imams, intellectuals, historians and average people warned of a dangerous phenomenon - something that was supposed to be deepening and spreading [the Iraqi identity] was instead diminishing. Here I speak of Iranian interference in Iraq with the acquiescence of the American occupier. We should stand firm in the face of all the ever-emerging dangers and warnings about the extinction of all that is good in our country. There seems to be no shortage of reasons for Iraq to allow neighborly Iran to interfere in every nook and cranny and destroy our beloved country.


To the alarm raised by concerned Iraqis has been added the noble voices of brotherly Arabs and friendly foreigners, who have submitted copious reports and statistics on [Iran's] ambitious plans to eradicate the Iraqi identity from the political arena - or at the very least, obtain hateful goals that have been planned for decades. It wound make sense for America to close Iraq's border with Iran if it were willing to keep this frightening monster at bay. Every concrete barrier should be removed from the streets of Iraq and put on the Iranian border.


Finally, I would like to suggest to Iraq's leadership to stop engaging in Tehran's game and instead find fresher ways to get Iran's invading forces to leave before the Americans - because Iran today is far more dangerous than the occupying forces.


I wonder why so many Iranian consulates have been opening in Iraqi cities? I'm just asking the question.

















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June 26, 2:49am]