The Independent, U.K.

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Support of Anti-Putin America for Pussy Riot is 'Disgusting and Ridiculous' (Komsomolskaya Pravda, Russia)


"The entire period of Putin’s rule has been a continuous series of propaganda campaigns by Western mass media, NGOs, and American Congressmen against a president popular among Russians. ... So now the global buzz is about the 'cheap whores' [Pussy Riot]. This is such a farce, that it is not only disgusting, but ridiculous."


By Alexei Pankin



Translated By Anastassia Tapsieva


August 27, 2012


Russia - Komsomolskaya Pravda - Original Article (Russian)

Madonna on tour in Europe shows her colors, stamping the name of a band of young women, Pussy Riot, who are bold enough to challenge Vladimir Putin. Three of them are now doing prison time.

NEW MEDIA ANIMIATION, TAIWAN: A humurous animated look at the Medicare positions of Obama and Romney, Aug. 20, 00:02:03RealVideo

After the anti-Gorbachev conspiracy of August 19-21, 1991 failed, the democratic West had an opportunity, much to the “delight” of USSR citizens, to establish a protectorate over our country and introduce radical reforms comparable to those the West carried out in West Germany and Japan after WWII. Twenty one years later, in August 2012, the West is losing the remnants of its moral and political capital in Russia by fighting for the right of a punk group - whose name in Russian translates to the despicable "cheap, conniving whore" - to shit in church.


I was travelling around the country in the fall of 1991, and in the aftermath of the collapse could observe the difference in perceptions between the capital and the periphery. Moscow was living amid the euphoria of newly-found boundless freedom. Central Television’s first channel, run by the democrats, broadcast a loop of a mocking parody-recording of the USSR anthem performed by a dozen popular rock and pop musicians. The periphery looked on in disgusted disbelief, dreaming about a strong and predictable central authority, while rapidly losing faith that [Boris] Yeltsin was capable of putting one in place.


It is amazing, though, that a vast number of people, in both the liberal Moscow and conservative Kuban, and at many positions of authority and private business, and even among ordinary city- and village-dwellers, sincerely hoped that we would be taken over by Washington and Berlin.


“The center has not disappeared. It has moved abroad,” I wrote in an article at the time, which was immediately reprinted by the Financial Times. In other words, during those months, the West was considered as almost the only legitimate authority - not only externally, but internally as well.

[Telegraph, U.K.]

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Of course, it was an illusion, like many other post-Perestroika illusions, which was possible only due to a complete lack of knowledge on the subject. The wise George Bush Sr., during "Desert Storm" in the winter of 1991, didn't even want to occupy Iraq after defeating Saddam Hussein, reluctant as he was to bear responsibility for managing even a small country. Then there was the entire Soviet Union.


But there was one role, useful to our country, that the West with its authority could have played: being an independent arbiter of conflict. Alas, the West could not handle it. In every conflict, the West always took the wrong side. Singing the praises of either young reformers with their catastrophically-unsuitable suggested changes to our country, or of Yeltsin in his bloody conflict with the Supreme Council. The legitimization of the frankly fraudulent elections of 1996 effectively disqualified the West from being a significant participant in our domestic political process.


The entire period of Putin’s rule has been a continuous series of propaganda campaigns by Western mass media, NGOs, and American Congressmen against a president popular among Russians. The campaigns range from pinning personal responsibility on Putin for the demise of the Kursk [nuclear submarine] to accusations of murdering [KGB defector] Alexandr Litvinenko.



Moskovskiye Novosti, Russia: 'Russia's Place in a Changing World,' By Vladimir Putin
Le Quotidien d’Oran, Algeria : The 'Brutality of the World', According to Vladimir Putin
Yezhednevniy Zhurnal, Russia: Human Rights Report May Hasten Putin's End
Itar-Tass, Russia: Putin: U.S. Nuclear Scientists Helped Soviets Obtain the Bomb
Vedomosti, Russia: Soviet Theft of American Nuclear Secrets Was Fully Justified
Komsomolskaya Pravda, Russia: Putin is Better than Goldman Sachs
Yezhednevniy Zhurnal, Russia: Absurd Rights Report May Hasten Putin's End
Le Monde, France: Putin Had Best Not Underestimate Obama


So now the global buzz is about the "cheap whores" [Pussy Riot]. This is such a farce, that it is not only disgusting, but ridiculous. One suspects either collective dementia or complete venality in the Western democracies.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


“This universal howl over “rabid female genitalia” [another Russian rendering of Pussy Riot] could have been trumped up only with a massive PR investment. Now even such pillars of free press as The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times are comparing the “pussies” to Andrei Sakharov and Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, and Putin to Stalin.” This was written by Eduard Lozanskii, president of the American University in Moscow and a Soviet dissident with a more than tumultuous anti-Soviet biography. It isn't clear whether to laugh or cry to see shining through the centuries-old tradition of the democratic West the sly mug of [exiled oligarch] Boris Abramovich Berezovsky.


As for the stupid whores themselves [Pussy Riot], they are simply caught up in metaphysical payback for the fact that 20 years ago, their older comrades publicly defiled state symbols of their motherland. And I say that as an atheist and anti-cleric.




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[Posted by Worldmeets.US Aug. 28, 7:29pm]





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