President Obama in Ghana in 2009: Are visits to Africa by

U.S. chief executives all about 'robbing' the continent of

its mineral wealth?



Why Visit by 'Big Brother Obama' Should Worry Tanzania (The Citizen, Tanzania)


"I regard Obama's visit as only the newest approach to robbing us of our much-needed natural resources. ... Kenyans need not envy our three countries. In fact, they should pray for Tanzania and the others that have been so 'blessed' as to have Big Brother call on them. ... Tanzanians should be worried - very worried. There is a high probability that their wealth is about to be up for grabs."


By Peter Nyanje


June 22, 2013


Tanzania - The Citizen - Original Article (English)

Then-Senator Barack Obama at Kenya's Masai Mara game reserve in 2006. His decision not to visit the country during his presidency is a particularly pointed message to that nation's political leadership.


SABC NEWS VIDEO, SOUTH AFRICA: President Jacob Zuma says Barack Obama will be warmly welcomed, June 22, 00:01:42RealVideo

Some Kenyans are perturbed, even angry, that U.S. President Barack Obama is skipping their country on his longest tour yet of the African continent. The disappointment springs from the fact that Kenya, being the homeland of his father, might have been expected to be a priority in Mr. Obama's itinerary.


On his first prolonged tour of Africa, Mr. Obama is scheduled to spend eight days in three countries. The visit will take him to Senegal, Tanzania and South Africa. According to the U.S. State Department, the tour is meant to reinforce the importance that the United States places on its “deep and growing” ties with countries in sub-Saharan Africa. These interests include expanding economic growth, investment and trade; strengthening democratic institutions; and investing in the next generation of African leaders.


Mr. Obama is scheduled to meet a wide array of leaders from government, business and civil society, including young people, to discuss our strategic partnerships on bilateral and global issues. Predictably, there will be handouts and most likely "investment deals" that, we will be told, are designed to hasten Tanzania's economic transformation.


If I were Kenyan, I would worry about why Mr. Obama excluded my country. But as a Tanzanian, I worry even more that he has singled out next-door Tanzania for attention. I say that because I regard Obama's visit as only the newest approach to robbing us of our much-needed natural resources. We are all aware of the “improving economic ties” farce that is invariably attached to such visits, when Big Brother’s true aim is to sniff out how to strategically place itself in a position to enjoy the untapped wealth of Africa.


After the much-touted visit of Chinese President Xi Jinping, I very much expected Mr. Obama to take “revenge” with his tour. We were told that Mr. Xi’s entourage signed 17 trade deals. These agreements were supposed to be public, but so far, the authorities have treated them as confidential.


Months later, promises to disclose the contents of these contracts remain just that - and probably only a handful of Tanzanians know what their country has agreed to give China, and what China granted Tanzania.


Most of the time, this is what happens when African countries enter into agreements with superpowers. But, thanks to investigative reporting, we now know that all of the secrecy is intended to keep the public at bay, because most of such contracts are decidedly in favor of the great powers.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


We also know that what Big Brother nations are so keen on: Africa’s natural wealth. There is no better way of accessing it than to form superficial friendships. Within the prevailing economic context, relations between poor African states and wealthy Western ones are simply a platform for setting off a modern scramble for African wealth.


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It's unfortunate that business models like the African Growth and Opportunity Act have failed to work for Africa. But unfortunate might not be the right word. The possibility is real that such arrangements are designed to fail.


If such arrangements fail to provide chances for both sides to benefit equally, there is no way Africa can boast of its relations with wealthy nations. As things stand now, Africa’s relations with wealthy states are designed as if they are doing is a favor. Given its deposits of natural wealth, however, in any business or economic deal, Africa should be treated more than equally.


By and large, this is what Senegal, South Africa and Tanzania will “reap” from Obama's much-publicized tour. Under such circumstances, Kenyans need not envy our three countries. In fact, they should pray for Tanzania and the others that have been so “blessed” as to have Big Brother call on them.


Tanzanians should be worried - very worried. There is a high probability that their wealth is about to be up for grabs.


The Citizen, Tanzania: In Snubbing Kenya, Obama Acts Like a Typical 'Luo' Man
Xewmedia, Senegal: Africa Needs Obama to Join Fight Against Witch Hunting

The Daily Independent, Nigeria: Shame on Nigeria ... Obama is Right to Shun Us!

Handelsblatt, Germany: Kenyans Appreciate Barack Obama's 'Slap in the Face'

Modern Ghana, Ghana: 'Snub' from Obama Reflects 'Death of Nigerian Diplomacy'

The Ghanaian Chronicle, Ghana: Ghana Should 'Cash In' on Obama's Visit

Handelsblatt, Germany: Kenyans Appreciate Barack Obama's 'Slap in the Face'
Ghanaian Web, Ghana: Mr. Obama: It's Time for America to Give Back to Africa
La Stampa, Italy: 'Historic Handshake' for Ghaddafi and 'Obama the African'
My Joy, Ghana: In Ghana, Obama 'Will Cry' for Africa
The Ghanaian Chronicle, Ghana: Ghana Should 'Cash In' on Obama's Visit
The Ghanaian Times: 'Why Obama Snubbed Nigeria'
The Daily Sun, Nigeria: The 'Stoning' of President Barack Hussein Obama
This Day, Nigeria: Obama's Choice to Visit Ghana and Not Nigeria Should Be a Lesson to Us

Boobab, Nigeria: If Obama Comes to Nigeria, 'I Will Stone Him'


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Posted By Worldmeets.US June 22, 2013, 7:44pm