Tehran Times, Islamic Republic of Iran

Tehran Times, Islamic Republic of Iran

President Ahmadinejad Asserts that America Seeks Partition of Jordan to Save 'Zionist Regime'


Are the United States and its allies pursuing a "complicated plot" to partition Jordan and give part of it to the Palestinians for the purpose of "saving" Israel? According to this news item from Iran's state-run Tehran Times, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad asserts that in pursuit of this goal, Washington is seeking to sow dissention between Sunni Arabs and Shiite Persian.


April 9, 2011


Islamic Republic of Iran - Tehran Times - Home Page (English)

According to Iran's state-run media, this man is shouting anti-American slogans while holding a picture of Iran's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, during Friday prayers in Tehran, Mar. 25.


PRESS TV VIDEO: News report from Iran's state-run media about protests against Saudi Arabia and Bahrain for 'violence against their own people,' Apr. 8, 00:02:34RealVideo

Kermanshah: On Thursday, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that the United States and its Western allies seek to provoke an Iran-Arab conflict and a Shiite-Sunni war with the goal of saving the Zionist regime.


“For U.S. leaders, the central goal in Bahrain and Libya is to save the Zionist regime, even if thousands of people are killed,” Ahmadinejad told a gathering of people in Kermanshah. “They are trying to incite conflict in the region between Iran and the Arabs and Shiites and Sunnis only to save the Zionist regime.


Ahmadinejad also warned of a plot by the hegemonistic powers designed to settle the Palestine issue in favor of the Zionists and he once again repeated that the West is trying to partition Jordan for the purpose of establishing a Palestinian state.   



“Because the defeated Zionist regime refuses to accept a retreat from the occupied territories, and Palestinians need land to establish a government, the hedgemons plan to partition Jordan and give part of it to the Palestinians, so that they can establish their own government there,” he said.


Calling this a “great treachery and conspiracy,” Ahmadinejad called on regional states and governments to take care not to be deceived by this complicated plot by the arrogant powers.


“If any regional state helps the enemies implement this plot, they must be made aware that the rest of the countries will regard it as an accomplice and a betrayer of the region,” he explained.


Elsewhere in his remarks, the president pointed to Barack Obama’s Nowruz message (the Persian New Year), saying that it is an insult to the Iranian nation [watch video below].



“Nowruz is full of kindness, honesty, devotion and hope, and is an invitation to peace, brotherhood, justice, monotheism, and tranquility. What is your (Obama’s) perception of these humane and divine characteristics? Undoubtedly, your message is an insult to the Iranian nation. In this message you have not only threatened the Iranian nation, but you have shown your ugly face, which is hidden behind a mask of deception.”


President Ahmadinejad went on to say that the Iranian nation places no stock whatsoever in the remarks and stances of the Zionist “puppets.”


“If anyone moves away from the path of friendship with Iran and other nations in the region, they will undoubtedly face a fate far more bitter than Saddam Hussein,” he said. “You (the U.S. and other Western countries) are once again mistaken, because you have underestimated the intelligence of nations in this region. You should know that the Zionist regime has reached the end of the line and no one can save it,” he added.


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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US April 10, 1:59am]


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