Nazi officers at the Belzec death camp in Poland await a shipment of

Jewish prisoners. In six months of operation, the camp exterminated

600,000 people, and was the first camp with built-in gas chambers.

In 1942, Polish resistance fighter Jan Karski was the first to report the

existence of the camp – and the Warsaw Ghetto - to allied forces.



Every Pole Must Protest Until Obama Apologizes (Dziennik, Poland)


“The statement made by President Barack Obama has done tremendous harm to Poles and the Polish Diaspora. … we need to react individually; after all, we all have a voice. Many of us have family in the United States. Poles in the United States should write letters to President Obama, and each of us should write letters to the U.S. ambassador. I will write such a letter.”


-- Member of the European Parliament and former Foreign Minister Anna Fotyga


Translated By Agnieszka Gosiewska


May 31, 2012


Poland - Dziennik - Original Article (Polish)

Member of the European Parliament and former Foreign Minister Anna Fotyga: To Polish ears, the magnitude of President Obama's mistake in calling the Belzec extermination camp a 'Polish death camp' could hardly have been bigger.

BBC NEWS VIDEO: Obama attracts criticism over 'Polish death camp' gaffe, May 30, 00:00:41RealVideo

Member of the European Parliament and former Foreign Minister Anna Fotyga has commented on U.S. President Barack Obama’s statement regarding a "Polish death camp," uttered during a ceremony to award a posthumous Presidential Medal of Freedom to Dr. Jan Karski.


Law and Justice MP Anna Fotyga believes that Barack Obama’s words have done great harm to the Poles.


“On behalf of many Poles, I wanted to express my great, my deepest regret, at what happened yesterday. The statement made by President Obama has done tremendous harm to Poles and the Polish Diaspora. Hence my opinion that a statement by the president himself is required - because to have a White House aide simply say that it was inaccurate or that the president misspoke is insufficient considering the harm that has been done.


“[Foreign] Minister Sikorski and the rest of the government of [Prime Minister] Donald Tusk decided that a representative of the government would accept the Presidential Medal of Freedom for great Polish patriot Jan Karski. I think many of you saw how helplessly former Foreign Minister Rotfeld stood there. I do not think that was a good decision. Accepted custom in all countries is to have heirs accept such a prize. I believe that the family of the late Jan Karski would have known how to react in such a situation.


“Minister Rotfeld should have reacted immediately during the ceremony - he had no right to behave as he did.


“I think there is a great range of things [President] Komorowski should say. He, rather than Prime Minister Tusk, should voice his opinion publicly, and have a discussion with President Obama - as the United States is a presidential country.


“This reflects a weakness of the Polish state. More often than not, Polish diplomacy reacts either too strongly or not strongly enough. Yesterday we had a test: how does Polish diplomacy react when such a sentence is uttered at the highest levels of a global power?



SEE ALSO ON THIS: Switzerland

Rzeczpospolita, Poland: Tusk Tells Obama: ‘Words Very Deeply Hurt All Poles’
Rzeczpospolita, Poland: Obama’s ‘Death Camp’ Gaffe Has Done Poland a Favor

Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland: ‘Polish’ Concentration Camps: ‘Major Blunder for Obama’
Telegraph, U.K.: Obama Insults 38 million Poles with Crass Remark

Daily Mail, U.K.: Aide Apologises Obama's Calling Death Camp 'Polish'



“I am convinced that President Barack Obama did not express the opinion of most Americans, who after all, took part in World War II, liberated concentration camps and knew full well who conceived of those camps.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


“Insulting the country when it is weak. ... This is the time when every one of us need to react. After all, we each have a voice. Many of us have family in the United States. Poles in the United States should write letters to President Obama, and each of us should write a letter to the U.S. ambassador. I will write such a letter,” said Fotyga.




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[Posted by Worldmeets.US June 3, 2:39am]


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