The widow of Sergei Magnitsky with his corpse, during his 2009 funeral

in Moscow: His death in a Russian prison, after implicating top officials

in a complex scheme to defraud the government, is widely regarded as

a murder-cover-up in the West. His case is now a rallying cry for those

wanting to combat Russian corruption.



The Magnitsky List, America’s ‘Secret’ Weapon! (Yezhednevniy Zhurnal, Russia)


“In response to the death in prison of a lawyer who uncovered an embezzlement scheme by bigwigs at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Revenue Service, the yanks are going to block respected people in law enforcement from entering the United States (which is not exactly a death sentence), and even (this is the worst part) freeze their accounts in the American banks. That hits where it hurts!”


By Alexander Goltz



Translated By Anastassia Tapsieva


June 28, 2012


Russia - Yezhednevniy Zhurnal - Original Article (Russian)

Sergei Magnitsky: His death in a Russian prison, after implicating top officials in a scheme to defraud the government, is widely regarded as a murder-cover-up in the West. Moscow is warning the if the U.S. Congress passes the Justice for Sergei Magnitsky Act as punishment, Russia will react in kind against Americans regarded by the Kremlin as human rights abusers in places like Guantanamo and Iraq.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Calls for Russia to probe human rights lawyer's death, Sept. 16, 2011, 00:03:01RealVideo

We have adequate if only asymmetrical measures up our sleeve to respond to every insidious maneuver of those damned yanks (they, who are mired in economic crisis and a looming presidential election, and dream of playing some nasty trick on the eternally-rising-from-its-knees Russia). To their anti-missile defense shield we have Iskander missiles, to the “orange filth” [i.e.: Orange Revolution] - a closure of Afghan transit routes, to their talk of human rights - we block the gas pipeline, etc. And then, all of a sudden, it has become clear that we have a gaping hole in this ideal system.


That hole is called the “Magnitsky list.” In response to the death in prison of a lawyer who uncovered an embezzlement scheme by bigwigs at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Internal Revenue Service, the yanks are going to block respected people in law enforcement from entering the United States (which is not exactly a death sentence), and even (this is the worst part) freeze their accounts in American banks. That hits where it hurts. And then those skunks from Congress intend to expand the list to include anyone violating human rights. Hello, Mister Churov [election chief]! And you, Comrade Bastrykin [chief federal investigator]! Alexander Hinshtein, that incorruptible member of the Duma, says you have property outside the boundaries of our beautiful homeland. What if the NATO countries, which according to Putin have handed their sovereignty over to Washington, join in observing the Magnitsky list? Where will a lowly Russian politician go? China? Dubai? Don’t crack me up!


Those devious yanks are pressing the most sensitive spot for Russian grandees: money. Russian officials want to safeguard the millions they’ve swindled out of Russia. And, funnily enough, the safest place for the money is where all the silly things Putin hates - independent courts, rule of law, financial confidentiality - are taken seriously. There, all of the things we don’t give a damn about are considered holy.




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And to add insult to injury, no matter how much they huff and puff, Russian chiefs can’t give an adequate response. You can imagine how much the American attorney general is terrified at having his Sberbank account frozen – just as the FBI director is losing sleep over not being able to savor the view of the Kremlin from the National Hotel. Of course, the accounts of the Americans who have invested in Russian companies could be frozen. But that would only lead to a freezing of all Russian assets abroad.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


As a result, the story of the “Magnitsky list” is one about the country’s competitiveness. President Putin can wear out his tongue singing the praises of life in Russia. Only those in his inner circle know the price of such rhetoric. And, I suspect, that they are very worried that one day their wives, permanently residing in the treacherous United States, will lose their capacity to shop on Fifth Avenue. Yes – and their precious offspring, studying in Harvard and Stanford, will suddenly have their debit cards blocked.


Kommersant, Russia: U.S. Magnitsky Act to Trigger 'Harsh Backlash'
Voice of Russia, Russia: Russian Opposition Wants Magnitsky List Expanded
Gazeta, Russia: Good Guys vs. Bad Guys: Russia Today is the Latter
Gazeta, Russia: America is Neither Friend Nor Foe
MK, Russia: Obama's ‘Hope’ Keeps Putin from ‘Window on Paradise’



The “Magnitsky Act” has suddenly exposed the weakest point in Putin’s Russia. His minions, like the classic compradors, want to mine money in their miserable motherland, but keep it and spend it abroad. Guys, were you real patriots, you would ridicule this list. Instead, you twitched and flew into a tantrum. America has found the fearsome weapon to use against Putin’s Russia. It has nothing to do with missile defense systems.




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[Posted by Worldmeets.US July 8, 1:39am]




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