American Evan Lysacek and Russian Evgeny Plushenko,

after the men's figure skating competition at the Vancouver

Olympic Games. Russian communists are up in arms over

what they call Lysacek's 'stolen' gold medal.



Wek, Ukraine

Communists Accuse America of 'Stealing' Olympic Gold


"The big question that arises is whether we should continue this country's participation in these Western farces, where all the prizes are awarded in advance and the judges aren't guided by objective criteria, but by instructions from the Pentagon."


-- Sergei Malinkovich, leader of the Communists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region


By Igor Korotezkiy*


Translated By Yekaterina Blinova


February 21, 2010


Ukraine - Wek - Original Article (Russian)


Figure skater Evgeny Plushenko: Russian communists charge that America and/or 'global capitalism' are responsible for his loss to American Evan Lysacek at the Vancouver Olympic Games.


RUSSIA TODAY VIDEO: Russian figure Skater Evgeny Plushenko says he, and not his American competitor, should have won the gold in Vancouver; says U.S. figure skating is 'dying', Feb. 19, 00:02:07RealVideo

Deputy Sergei Malinkovich, leader of the Communists of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region and secretary general of the Central Committee of the organization "Communists of Russia," a group notorious for its shocking behavior, has issued a statement in connection with the decision of Vancouver Olympic Game judges to put [figure skater] Evgeni Plushenko into second place.


Without comment, below is a straight quotation …


"For me it's obvious that there's a dirty political game going on in Vancouver. Puppet judges ignored the Russian assemblyman and figure skater's brilliant performance and his cosmic leap, and let the dark American Lysaceka win. Clad all in black, his boring moves were suspiciously reminiscent of the latest generation of android. All who are versed in figure skating know that the gold was lying at Evgeni's feet, from the first "pa" of the Russian figure skater. All who are versed in global politics know that Canada has never had real sovereignty, that it's a colony of the United States and that all of its judges are under the thumb of the White House. An exponential humiliation of Russia - this was the supreme task of the global capital-funded Olympic Games in Vancouver."  


[Editors Note: During a two-year haitus from figure skating, Plushenko was elected as an assemblyman to St. Petersburg's Legislative Assembly in 2007. Sergei Malinkovich is one of his collegues in the Assembly, although Plushenko is not a communist.]


“Our good neighbor Barack Obama bared his fangs and tore off his mask,” the statement says.



Komsomolskaya Pravda, Russia: Communists Say Cameron 'Robbed' Soviet SciFi

Nachrichten, Switzerland: Olympics: No Vacation from War, But a Happy Distraction


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"The behavior of Russian sport officials - present in large numbers at the Olympics, is surprising and revolting. Where are the representations and protests? Where are the man-to-man talks with the cunning American who stole Russia's rightful gold medal?! The big question that arises is whether we should continue our country's participation in these Western farces, where all the prizes are awarded in advance and the judges aren't guided by objective criteria, but by instructions from the Pentagon. Russia, China, Venezuela, Belarus and South Africa, emancipated by its Blacks, must consider the possibility of convening an altogether honest Olympic Games, were there's no room for trickery and the dictatorship of the dollar. In the meantime, we must consider whether it's advisable to invite a number of Western countries to the Sochi Olympics.


Without the Americans, the Sochi air will be cleaner!," Malinkovich said.


*Igor Korotezkiy is an analyst for Nash Vek (Our Century)



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US February 23, 2:25am]


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