[The Telegraph, U.K.]
Vremya, Russia
Good Riddance to
the 'Zeroes': When the Nineties Turned Ugly
zeros' were a time of lost illusions. The euphoria that shrouded the developed
portion of humanity at the end of the nineties quickly dissipated. The world in
the 21st century is no more secure or stable than in the previous century -
with its wars, acts of genocide and nuclear confrontation. In fact, now things
are even less predictable."
By Fyodor Lukyanov*

Translated By
Yekaterina Blinova
December 18, 2010
Russia - Vremya- Original Article (Russian)
The “zero” years are ending
almost as they began. The great powers, who thought they somehow ruled
something, encountered unforeseen players capable of shuffling all the cards.
At the dawn of the decade, the transnational terrorist network loudly declared
itself, striking at the heart of the contemporary West in the fall of 2001. And
in 2010, it was a computer genius who came out of nowhere to rearrange the
global deck.
In both cases, the damage
these mysterious forces inflicted was smaller than that from the reaction by
states. The “crusade against terrorism” declared by the United States after
September 11 jumbled international politics, shook the global system, and
delegitimized the pretensions to planetary leadership of the sole superpower.
Later, the campaign that followed WikiLeaks' disclosures exacerbated
inter-state frustration, transformed diplomacy into an object of tabloid
journalism and now threatens to undermine America’s authority more than the
leaks themselves.
“The zeros” were a time of
lost illusions. The euphoria that shrouded the developed portion of humanity at
the end of the nineties and the Cold War quickly dissipated. The world in the
21st century is no more secure or stable than in the previous century - with
its wars, acts of genocide and nuclear confrontation. In fact, now things are
even less predictable. The rules are being erased, institutions are eroding and
substantive policy is being replaced by political technologists. The atmosphere
around the world is like a gigantic magnifying glass through which everything
appears larger, and where accepted laws of interaction are distorted under the
influence of unforeseen circumstances.
relations shed their ideological shells, returning to more traditional
principles - the struggle for influence and prestige. The ideological vacuum
has been filled by the growth of nationalist and religious feeling, first of
all in the third world, but as a reaction, in the “first” world as well.
Xenophobia, paradoxically, takes on a liberal appearance - anti-Muslim
sentiment in Europe is growing under the banner of protecting tolerance from
Islamic "obscurantism," and the free market, which seemed like an
axiom in the late 90s, retreated by the end of the “zeros” under pressure from
the universal growth of state intervention in the economy and a revival of
protectionist instincts. And the ideals of democracy have not only been
discredited by their “promotion” by force during the middle of the decade, but
have also been put in doubt by the spectacular rise of a very undemocratic
China, which, it seems, came out of the global financial crisis the winner.
The North
Atlantic Alliance undertook a massive expansion, but lost its aim and mission.
The European Union reached its zenith, having made a breakthrough in the
direction of expansion while simultaneously deepening integration. The result
was growing developmental imbalance and the weakening of its global role in
proportion to its immersion in its own internal problems. Russia zealously enforced
tighter domestic controls to ensure centralized, top-down management, which
consists of an ineffective apparatus that fails to carry out its proper role.
“The zeros” were a time of
victories that soon turned pyrrhic. The easy occupation of Iraq was followed by
years of chaos, the results of which are uncertain. Tehran has already been
declared the winner, having rid itself of its arch enemy through the force of
American arms. The quick toppling of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan turned
into a hopeless, multi-year quagmire for America and NATO. It would be
difficult to prove the impotence of force more convincingly. The mightiest
military power in history is incapable of conquering one of the most backward
victories in Chechnya, where Russia defended its integrity, led to the
emergence of a territory practically ungovernable for Moscow, and which is
having a growing impact on the rest of the country. And Russia's success in
defending its compatriots in South Ossetia has led to a long chain of foreign
policy difficulties and a gaping hole through which money drains out, all for the
sake of a permanent “restoration” of this newly-recognized state. And while the
Russian government is ready to fight to keep the Caucasus under its influence,
many of Russia's citizens are prepared to go to great lengths to keep “aliens”
from becoming fellow countrymen.
At the end of the nineties,
no one could foresee what is occurring today. It is meaningless to attempt to
predict what things will be like in ten years. The world continues its motion
from the irrevocable past to the indeterminate future. The "tens" are
covered in fog. They are fraught with new conflicts and will be a time of great
decision-making that will determine the development of the nation and
globe for the first half of the 21st century. And the cost of error is rapidly
*Fyodor Lukyanov is Chief
Editor for Russian in Global Affairs
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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US December 30, 11:19pm]