A man calls for help near a convoy of NATO vehicles carrying

supplies to Afghanistan, after they were set ablaze on outskirts

of Islamabad, June 9. Militants attacked and torched a convoy

of about 50 tankers and containers.



The Nation, Pakistan

Eliminate All NATO Convoys Through Pakistan


"The U.S. presence in Pakistan, with its covert operatives and NATO supply convoys, pose the most direct threat to this country. They provide a motive for extremist recruitment and behave in an imperial fashion, disregarding the laws of the land and often directly killing innocent Pakistanis along the way."




June 10, 2010


Pakistan - The Nation - Original Article (English)

THE attack on a NATO tanker convoy on Tuesday points once again to the threat to Pakistan and its citizens posed by the U.S.-led “war on terror.” NATO tankers have been targeted consistently by opponents of the war, yet the government has made no attempt to halt the menace to convoys that constantly threaten ordinary Pakistanis as they cross the country toward Afghanistan. Furthermore, with the loads they carry, the convoys add to the destruction of Pakistan's road network. But even on this score, the government has failed to obtain compensation. Even more threatening is the fact that the cargo includes not only highly-inflammable fuel but dangerous weapons systems.


The result of all this was most visible on Tuesday because of the scale of the attack and its proximity to the capital, Islamabad. Which brings up another issue: why has the government permitted NATO to put terminals for their dangerous convoys so close to populated and sensitive areas? After all, Sangjanin, where the terminal is located, is only 30 miles southwest of Islamabad and close to Rawalpindi and hence the military's General Headquarters. This reflects a reckless approach by the government to the lives of citizens.


Of course, the U.S. has called for action against people it refers to, along with [Interior Minister] Rehman Malik, as “Punjabi Taliban.” But the fact is that the U.S. presence in Pakistan, with its covert operatives and NATO supply convoys, pose the most direct threat to this country. They provide a motive for extremist recruitment and behave in an imperial fashion, disregarding the laws of the land and often directly killing innocent Pakistanis along the way.  



Furthermore, the United States has permitted India unfettered access to Afghanistan and through it, Pakistan. The result has been massive supplies of weapons and money from India to all kinds of militants in Pakistan. It's time Islamabad overcomes its fear and takes up the issue of India with the United States. However, more importantly, it's time for the government simply to halt NATO supply convoys through Pakistan. Earlier, NATO made much of its shifting of convoys to Central Asia - but clearly, this hasn't occurred. The issue isn't simply the money we may be receiving, although on that count one can be sure NATO is shortchanging us, but the direct threat these convoys pose to Pakistani lives as they pass through the length and breadth of the country.



The Nation, Pakistan: Rebuff America on Air Traveler Data

Frontier Post, Pakistan: America is Fully Responsible for Terrorism on its Streets

The Daily Jang, Pakistan: Pakistan Must Confront its Export of Terrorism

The Daily Jang, Pakistan: N.Y. Bombing Attempt: 'Let's Freely Help Americans'

The Nation, Pakistan: N.Y. Bomb Attempt a 'Reaction to U.S. Drone Strikes'

The Nation, Pakistan: Pakistan to Launch Probe When U.S. 'Makes Request'


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Since September 11, 2001, successive Pakistan governments have ignored and often knowingly sacrificed the lives of citizens simply to further U.S. and NATO interests - unarmed drones being a prime example. Even the moving of our forces from the eastern front, where India continues to pose a threat, to the Pak-Afghan border, was done under pressure from the United States. It's time to reverse this trend and take immediate steps to end access to Pakistan for NATO supply convoys.

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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June 10, 9:47pm]


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