The Nation, Pakistan

The Nation, Pakistan

U.S. Cannot Be Trusted to Sponsor Indo-Pakistan Talks


"India has been leveraging its strategic partnership with the U.S. to pressure Pakistan through the Americans. American statements on the Pakistan-India dialogue haven't been encouraging in that they seem to support India's position and leave Kashmir out of the initial talks."




March 8. 2010


Pakistan - The Nation - Original Article (English)

A certain negative pattern to Indo-U.S. designs in this region has become apparent, especially for Pakistan. U.S. officials remain dissatisfied with this country, despite the it's continuing to go out of its way to assist with America's misguided “war on terror” and its manifest failure to pick up the costs of our doing so under Coalition Support Fund agreements. That's why General Petraeus still refuses to say categorically that the U.S. is “satisfied” with Pakistan’s efforts. Why? Because we've practically destroyed Pakistani stability by sacrificing the lives of our troops, law enforcers and civilians and doing so many other things to support the U.S. in this region. But nevertheless, the U.S. mantra of “do more” continues to haunt us.


Although Petraeus conceded that even with all of its constraints, Pakistan had been doing increasingly more, and that it's incumbent on the U.S. to build trust, he still niggardly refused to state clearly that the U.S. is satisfied. Worse still, the Americans seem adamant about providing India with strategic access to Afghanistan despite Pakistan’s protests that India is using Afghan territory to offer covert support to militants in Pakistan. This dubious American approach has emboldened India, which has declared that it won't scale back its operations in Afghanistan. This will continue to aggravate Pakistan’s security environment.


Meanwhile, India has been leveraging its strategic partnership with the U.S. to pressure Pakistan through the Americans. It's already protesting to the U.S. over sales to Pakistan of what are essentially tactical weapons for the so-called "war on terror." Even the F-16s that Pakistan has purchased don't match up to the weapons systems and nuclear technology that the U.S. is supplying to India. In addition, American statements relating to the Pakistan-India dialogue haven't been encouraging in that they seem to support India's position on the overall dialogue and in particular, leaving Kashmir out of the initial talks.


Map of Jammu and Kashmir: Perhaps the most

ignored and least understood potential flash

point on earth. [click for map jumbo version]


[Editor's Note: India and Pakistan have fought four wars over what was once the "princely state of Jammu and Kashmir," and which, from 1846-1947, was ruled by a British Satrap called a Maharaja. When India and Pakistan became states, Jammu Kashmir became disputed territory between the two. While Jammu Kashmir is majority Muslim, it wanted to maintain its independence, which led to the first Indi-Pak war. Eventually, Maharajah Hari Singh signed the Instrument of Accession "acceding to the dominion" of India. Pakistan rejects the agreement because of the area's majority Muslim population. Other countries that came into being as a result of the Partition of India were Burma, Napal, Bhutan, and the Maldives.]



The Nation, Pakistan: To Reduce Militancy, the U.S. Must Pressure India

The Frontier Post, Pakistan: U.S. Swallows Indian PM's 'Lies' on Kashmir


Under these circumstances, news in a Washington newspaper that President Obama might host talks between the prime ministers of Pakistan and India should be treated with trepidation. After all, given how vulnerable our leadership seems when confronted by the Americans, one can imagine compromises from Pakistan that would endanger our long-term interests. At the very least, a new agenda for talks could be hoisted on Pakistan.


We will certainly see a coalescing of Indo-U.S. interests. Perhaps it would be better if Pakistan struck to its principled position of restarting the overall dialogue, which is a format with wide support and that provides for institutional input. The sensitivity of Pakistan-India relations can't be left to U.S.-compelled summits between political leaders.

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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US March 10, 8:09pm]

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