A poster with likenesses of Cpl. David Fagen, an African-American

soldier who defected from the U.S. Army during the war to subdue

the Philippines. Fagan is today regarded as a hero by many Filipinos.

The reason for his defection? Racism among White American forces.



Filipinos, African-Americans and the 'Black Man's Burden' (Manila Times, The Philippines)


"With the first African-American president visiting the Philippines, it might be a good time for Filipinos and African-Americans to acquaint themselves with an often-forgotten part of the Philippine-American War (1899-1902). It was a conflict that transformed the United States into a global empire. ... I refer here to the quizzical role played by African-American soldiers in this war, and their curious ambivalence to the proclaimed mission of 'taking up the White man's burden' and 'civilizing' Filipinos."


By Yen Makabenta



April 29, 2014


The Philippines - Manila Times - Original Article (English)

With the first African-American president visiting the Philippines, it might be a good time for Filipinos and African-Americans to acquaint themselves with an often-forgotten part of the Philippine-American War (1899-1902). It was a conflict that transformed the United States into a global empire.


I refer here to the quizzical role played by African-American soldiers in this war, and their curious ambivalence to the proclaimed mission of "taking up the White man's burden" and "civilizing" Filipinos.


The English poet Rudyard Kipling coined the phrase "White man's burden" in his famous poem, which urged America to take the Philippines. The poem opens these lines:


Take up the White man’s burden —

Send forth the best ye breed —

Go bind your sons to exil

To serve your captives’ need;

To wait in heavy harness

On fluttered folk and wild —

Your new-caught, sullen peoples,

Half devil and half child.


According to historian Barbara Tuchman, "The poem, published in a two-page spread by Mclure’s Magazine, was quoted across the country within a week, and quickly reconciled most Americans to the expenditure of bullets, brutality and trickery that soon proved necessary to implement it."


It has also been suggested by writers that Kipling’s poem helped rally volunteers for the U.S. campaign of conquest in the Philippines. Many volunteered eagerly because of the opportunity afforded by an adventure in the vast Pacific Ocean.


How did Black Americans (African-Americans is now the preferred term) react to the idea of taking up the White man’s burden?


This is not an idle question to raise, because by 1898, a scant 30 years had passed since a costly civil war had been fought primarily on the issue of slavery and the emancipation of Black Americans.


Several books on the Philippine-American War and general history provide revealing information of the wartime role played by African-Americans. These source materials provide invaluable insights into Black-American attitudes toward the war, and into the major policy debates that ensued after U.S. annexation of the Philippines for $20 million in 1898. [The United States paid Spain $20 million for the Philippines at the conclusion of the Spanish-American War ].


One major source of material is David J. Silbey’s book A War of Frontier and Empire (The Philippine- American War, 1899-1902). In one key passage, he wrote:


The sending of African-American troops to the Philippines created the most profound ambiguities. Soldiering had long been a valued career path for African-American men who were cut off from most other economic and career pursuits.


The African-American community fought zealously to protect that path, and reacted furiously to slights, perceived and otherwise, regarding the vigor and valor of African-American soldiers.


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Philippine Daily Inquirer:
Except for his Dark Skin, Obama Can Do No Wrong in Philippines
Manila Times, The Philippines:
U.S. Defense Treaty with Philippines an 'Elaborate Charade'
The Daily Tribune, The Philippines Thankfully', Americans Reject Aquino Relief Control
Philippine Daily Inquirer, Philippines: The Unfair Typhoon 'Blame Game' of CNN and the Rest
The Daily Tribune, Philippines: New York Times Joins CNN in Shaming Aquino Typhoon Response
Cebu Daily News, The Philippines: Without CNN, Desperate Filipinos would be Forgotten
The Daily Tribune, Philippines: CNN Rightly Shames Aquino Government Over Typhoon Response


The result was that African-American units were sent to the Philippines and a few African-Americans were promoted to officer ranks. ... Once they were in the Philippines, African-Americans found disturbing parallels in the relationships between Filipinos and White soldiers. It was an easy step for White soldiers, steeped in the easy racism of the 19th century, to bring patterns of behavior abroad.


The difficulties were profound for African-American soldiers. Their duty was to fight an enemy with whom they had some sympathy, and live among people becoming victims of the same diabolical race hatred that they experienced at home."


In his highly praised A People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn provides the following information:


Four Black regiments were sent to the Philippines. Many of the Black soldiers established rapport with the Filipinos, and they were angered by the term "nigger" used by White troops to describe the Filipinos.


The Filipino rebels often addressed themselves to the 'colored American soldier' in posters, reminding them of lynchings back home, asking them not to serve the White imperialist against other colored people.


An unusually large number of Black troops deserted during the Philippine campaign.


Some deserters joined the Filipino rebels. The most famous of these was David Fagen of the 24th Infantry. He accepted a commission in the insurgent army and for two years, he wreaked havoc on American forces.


In his book, Smoked Yankee and the Struggle for Empire: Letters from Negro Soldires, Willard Gatewood reproduces and analyzes 114 letters written by Black soldiers to African-American newspapers from 1898-1902.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


One soldier wrote in 1899: "Our racial sympathies would naturally be with the Filipinos. They are fighting manfully for what they conceive to be their interests. But we cannot for the sake of sentiment turn our back upon our own country."


Another Black soldier wrote in June 1901 to an Indianapolis paper: "This struggle on the islands has been naught but a gigantic scheme of robbery and oppression."


Back home in America, African-American leaders, including prominent church figures, agitated against the American war on Filipinos. Some joined the Anti-Imperialist League, which was organized and led by luminaries like philosopher William James, the writer Mark Twain, and industrialist Andrew Carnegie. Most of the Black press opposed President McKinley's Philippine policies.


A meeting of Black citizens and leaders in Boston adopted a resolution in July 1899 which they sent to the president, protesting "the unjustified invasion by American soldiers in the Philippine Islands."


Henry M. Turner, senior bishop of the African Methodist Episcopal Church, called the campaign in the Philippines "an unholy war of conquest," and referred to the Filipinos as "sable patriots."


Zinn reports that the period of the Philippine-American War coincided with a time of intense racism in the United States. Every week in the years between 1889 and 1903, on average,  two Negroes were lynched by mobs - hanged, burned, mutilated. The Filipinos were brown-skinned, physically identifiable, strange-speaking, and strange-looking to Americans. To the usual brutality of war was thus added the factor of racial hostility.


I bring up all of this with no thought of laying "Black man's burden" on President Obama. To the contrary, I offer this as a salute to the African-American soldiers who came to our country over a century ago.



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Posted By Worldmeets.US Apr. 28, 2014 10:59pm



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