Does the outpouring of Western outrage over the poaching death of a lion
named Cecil demonstrate the same attitude that led Whites to plunder Black
Africa? Naming the lion after British imperialist Cecil Rhodes doesn't help.



The West Cooks Up 'Cecil the Lion Conspiracy' (The Herald, Zimbabwe)


Lured out of the safety of a Zimbabwe game park to make him 'available' to an American dentist looking for kicks, some Africans sense the poaching death of Cecil the lion is being used by the West to dictate how they should live. For Zimbabwe's state-run Herald, columnist Tich Zindoga criticizes Western wildlife advocates, not only for depicting the lives of animals as more valuable that Africa's people, but for their colonialist political motives. Zindoga also highlights the namesake of Cecil the lion - notorious 18th century British imperialist Cecil Rhodes, who did things to Blacks that today would have landed him before the International Criminal Court on genocide charges.


By Tich Zindoga


July 30, 2015


Zimbabwe - The Herald - Original Article (English)

By now the world is sufficiently saturated with and (presumably) nauseated by news of the death of a lion called Cecil allegedly killed by a tourist-hunter in Hwange three weeks ago. Suddenly - boom! - at the beginning of this week, his death is all over the news across main media houses. And boy, there is some deal of mourning!


Here is how the CNN eulogized the lion:


"Cecil the lion is dead, killed illegally in Zimbabwe, authorities allege, by a foreign hunter or hunters who paid about $55,000 for the privilege.…He was lured out of a national park with food, shot with a crossbow, tracked for 40 more than hours then finished off with a gun, said Johnny Rodrigues, head of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force."


We are also told, "Cecil is survived by about six lionesses with whom he mated regularly - and about 24 cubs …"


The Guardian tells us that, "Cecil's death is a tragedy, not only because he was a symbol of Zimbabwe …"


The paper also explains that, "The incident, which occurred earlier this month and has only just come to light, has caused outrage in Zimbabwe, coming only days after the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force [ZCTF] revealed that 23 elephant calves had been separated from their herds in Hwange and exported to zoos in China and the United Arab Emirates."


Other Western media outlets like the BBC now believe it's time to punish African countries for their "failure" to protect wildlife, the punishment of which is administered with bans on trading in wildlife species and the issuance of hunting licenses and permits.


So: "Conservationists and politicians have called on the E.U. to ban the import of lion heads, paws and skins as hunters' trophies from African countries that cannot prove their lion populations are sustainable, following the killing of Zimbabwe's most famous lion by a European hunter with a bow and arrow."


What's in a name?


One cannot escape the significance of the name of this wild animal which Western capitals are mourning. name belonged to arch imperialist and racist of Southern Africa, Cecil John Rhodes who wanted to colonize the rest of Africa, particularly and specifically by deploying fatal fire-power against natives.


It is part of the historical record that Cecil John Rhodes wanted to exterminate the Blacks of Southern Africa just as Whites did in America.


Why someone thought it a good idea to christen a lion after this infamous plunderer and murderer who roamed Africa can only be a matter of conjecture.


And it must be borne in mind that lions bearing the same Oxford University research collars as the famed Cecil kill many poor villagers in Hwange and surrounding areas - but don't think us simplistic to the point that we're obliged to call this poor lion an imperialist!


Now, though, the animal is being called "a symbol of Zimbabwe"! Yet there are other interesting points to observe.


Cecil the lion is now talked of as if he were a person and family man or whatever other terms are ascribed to human beings.


It's the same old trick that only yesterday was deployed when 24 elephant calves were sold off by Zimbabwe [to China] - part of an overpopulated segment of the species - due to an inability to cope with demands that amount to over twice the land's carrying capacity.


Once again, Western media is trying to portray Zimbabwe as an outpost of lawlessness simply because a random criminal, which we now hear is of American stock - has killed an animal in our country.


While it's never acceptable for such occurrences to happen, in this case one begins to get a particular whiff of something smelly. Naturally, the name Cecil is smelly to us Africans.


The hullabaloo over Cecil the lion stinks up the whole episode, especially when it is used as an excuse, as a pretext, for preventing Zinbabwe from exploiting its God-given resources. We've been down that road before, have we not?


Enter Johnny


One man kicking up the most dust over the issue of a lion being poached is Johnny Rodriguez, who runs the previously-mentioned Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force.


The shadowy organization and its shadowy leader are not only about animal activism. They have an all-too-political agenda: They oppose Zimbabwe being peopled with Whites who used be big in the safari and conservation business. They operated in the shadows, were accountable to no one and would run private ventures from which they crew huge profits shopped off to foreign banks. They operated global networks of wealthy Whites and Asians who would fly into the country with private jets, kill game for trophies and spirit themselves out of the country.


Their lairs were highly secure and operated on an apartheid basis.


Most of these people are now gone or preparing to lose their farms and conservancies to Black under land reform, including one called the Wildlife Based Land Reform Programme which may allow Blacks to lease such farms for up to 25 years on a renewable basis.


Whites, particularly of Rhodesian stock, are the leading victims. These or their friends are the same people who have been crying blue murder across the White western media seeking to have wildlife sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe. That is the reason they blather and whine about animals, giving them human-like features to evoke sufficient pity and anger.




But our Johnny Rodrigues is even more sinister - and the sooner authorities get to the root of his mischief the better.


In January 2013, he was actively campaigning to have Zimbabwe denied the right to host the U.N. World Tourism Organization General Assembly, which Zimbabwe successfully did despite Western pressure to deny Zimbabwe this once in a lifetime opportunity and Zimbabwe's biggest marketing tool.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


Johnny Rodriguez made the same facile arguments about Zimbabwe not complying with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) when in fact no such official complaint had come from the responsible body.


Yet he insisted: "At the moment we're working to prevent the UNWTO General Assembly from taking place in Zimbabwe because it isn't meeting is obligations under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)."


In between now and then, Rodriguez has been involved in everything and anything to discredit Zimbabwe - including wading into the Manzou Farm saga when opposition parties sought to smear the name of first lady Amai Grace Mugabe by insinuating she was evicting villagers to pave the way for animals.


Apparently believing that the first lady was indeed on it, he gave a pre-emptive statement to opposition mouthpiece Daily News saying, "I think it's wrong what they are doing," Rodriguez said.


"Mazowe is an agricultural area and the wild animals will cause lots of problems for the villagers. I think Mazowe should be reserved for agriculture activity and not a game park. But we know that when you talk about the "Big Five [the African lion, African elephant, Cape buffalo, African leopard, and White/Black rhinoceros.]" you're talking about big money … We shouldn't put money ahead of people," he said.


Last month Rodriguez tried to persuade hostile superpower the United States against Zimbabwe to intervene ostensibly to save elephants.


He petitioned Secretary of State John Kerry. When the U.S. appeared not to heed his petition, Rodriguez "filed a complaint in the District Court of the District of Columbia asking for an order requiring the United States to promptly respond to their petition to condemn and help prevent these horrific round-ups of baby elephants," according to reports.


Clearly, Rodriguez' concerns are about more than conservation. They are dark, sinister and deeply political.


It is in this light that we have to understand the hullabaloo over Cecil the lion, which is just a stinking conspiracy.


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[Posted By Worldmeets.US, July 30, 2015, 2:51am]

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