Times, Iran
The Freemasonic Plot to Thwart Islamic Unity
Are the 'Machiavellian machinations of the mandarins of
Freemasonry' behind a counter-Shiite Crescent, the ultimate goal of which is to
thwart real Islamic unity? According to this op-ed article form Iran's tightly
controlled Tehran Times, the hidden hand of the Western Freemason is at it
again, this time creating a mercenary 'black' Shiite crescent to oppose the
authentic 'red' one.
By Hamid Golpira
March 13, 2007
- Tehran Times - Original Article (English)
Western imperialists claim they seek to prevent a Shiite Crescent from rising
over the Middle East and Asia, stretching from Lebanon to Afghanistan. But
there is no such thing occurring.
Machiavellian machinations of the mandarins of Freemasonry
are subtle, and can only be discerned by the
most astute observer.
Note: The Freemasons are a fraternal order that began in medieval times as a
guild for stone masons and that according to them, today are chiefly concerned
with doing good public works and building communities. Others however, believe
that the group is the hidden hand behind much of what occurs on this planet.
Feeding this suspicion is the fact that at least 14 American Presidents -
including George Washington, Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman and
Gerald Ford - were members of the group.]
On the
one hand, the Westerners claim they will make every effort to prevent the
creation of a Shiite Crescent across Asia and the Middle East, but on the other
hand, they actually seek to set up a pseudo- Shiite Crescent in the region
which would be ruled by their mercenaries.
It seems
that the Western imperialists are in the process of abandoning their
pseudo-Sunni vassals in the region [Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Egypt and
Pakistan] who have outlived their usefulness. These are symbolized by the
execution of their former ally, Saddam Hussein.
The nominal
Shiites that the enemies of Islam plan to enlist as their vassals could be
called Black Shiites.
twentieth century Islamic philosopher Ali Shariati
devised a theory which stated that Red Shiaism
is the religion of martyrdom, and that Black Shiaism is the religion of
mourning. According to Shariati’s thinking, the Red Shiites are true believers
who are struggling for social justice and who understand the depth of Islam’s
culture of self-sacrifice and martyrdom, whereas the Black Shiites have
deviated from the path and only practice rituals such as ceremonies for mouring.
Western intelligence agencies are actually cultivating Black Shiaism and are
grooming Black Shiites to be their puppets.
Since Black
Shiites have a greater tendency toward anti-Sunni sectarianism, the CIA and
other Western intelligence agencies plan to use them to create division in the
Islamic world and implement their "managed chaos" strategy.
But the
Red Shiites are aware of the plot to divide the Islamic world and are working
together with non-sectarian Sunnis to establish a pan-Islamic movement.
Thus, the
Red Shiite Crescent that is rising is actually a Pan-Islamic Crescent.
Western states that seek to dominate the region will do everything in their
power to prevent such a Pan-Islamic Crescent from rising.
Some of
the suspicious activities in Iraq that are clearly meant to fan the flames of
sectarian strife and create animosity between Sunnis and Shiites,
are part of this plot against the pan-Islamists.
Yet, the
efforts of pan-Islamist Sunnis and Shiites are thwarting this plot.
unity is the worst nightmare of Western imperialists who dream of global
hegemony, since they know that a united Islamic world would be their greatest
all Islamic factions must avoid falling into the trap of sectarianism, and all
Muslims must work to create a united Islamic ummah [community]. This is the
only path to victory.