
Libyans fleeing NATO bombing and Qaddafi's brutality head to

the small Italian island of Lampedusa. Ironically, hundreds are

dead, when their boat capsized within sight of a NATO warship.



Sol, Portugal

Unethical NATO Should Go the Way of the Warsaw Pact


"One recent day in the community of Europe, thanks to the indifference of a NATO warship crew off the coast of Italy, men, women and children drowned just a ferry or two away - war refugees fleeing the terror of Lord Qaddafi. … I was convinced that these international forces obeyed some (few) values and had ethics of some kind. Again I was wrong. … In the distant 70s when my minority group yelled, 'No NATO and no Warsaw Pact!,' they were right."


By Catalina Pestana



Translated By Brandi Miller


May 30, 2011


Portugal - Sol - Original Article (Portuguese)

Fleeing from Qaddafi or NATO bombs, refugees died in sight of a NATO warship.


Last weekend a formal election campaign began [in Portugal].


The vacuousness of the speeches is disheartening, although this time the void can be justified by the agreement signed among the three major parties and the international organizations which are advancing Portugal the money to pay its most pressing debts.


The trouble is that this hasn't rid us of the “tired” rallies or the “innovative” dinners and lunch parties.


The only news seems to be the new color of the patrons at such events. They are immigrants, dressed in traditional garb, who don't understand the language of our country or even know where they're going. They are “invited” on trips to historic cities - Évora is one example - complete with picnics that fill Geraldo's town square.


I’m one of the 40 percent of Portuguese who don’t yet know which party they'll vote for, but who will certainly vote. Because some of us have fought and suffered for the right, which has become a duty.


The electoral folklore has distracted us from what's happening around the world, while our dear candidates travel around like roasts broiling in the uncooperatively hot sun.   



One recent day in the community of Europe, thanks to the indifference of a NATO warship crew off the coast of Italy, men, women and children drowned just a ferry or two away - war refugees fleeing the terror of Lord Qaddafi and the bombings of his unworthy regime.


While NATO bombs Libya to save civilians from Libyan

despot Muammar Qaddafi, it seems indifferent to the

refugees fleeing the attacks of both NATO and Qaddafi.


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization, founded in 1949 during the "Cold War," arose as a result of the growing military power of the Soviet Union and its satellite countries to oppose a fragile Europe, which at the time was carrying out its post-World War II reconstruction. The so-called “Eastern countries” founded the Warsaw Pact in 1955.


We were told at the time that the military arsenals of the two blocs, capitalist and communist, had a deterrent effect and would guarantee a peace fueled by the science of fear.


With the fall of the communist bloc in 1991, the Warsaw Pact became extinct, but NATO remained and grew.


I swear I don't know why or for what. What I do know is that the children of some of us continue to go to Bosnia or Afghanistan under the framework of our commitment to NATO.


May the generals who explain the wars on television forgive me, but I have never understood the urgency of buying submarines - with a contract established by the Guterres government (1995-2002) and with the vessels arriving only two or three months ago.



Of course, for something to be valid doesn't require me to understand. But like all other citizens, I do have to pay.


What I cannot tolerate is having to pay for barbaric behavior, like that which took place near Lampedusa, when those hundreds of war refugees looking to save themselves and their families were left to their fates by an entity that we, inhabitants of “developed” and “civilized” countries, are keeping alive.


I’m an undercover activist, but I was convinced that these international forces obeyed some (few) values and had ethics of some kind. Again I was wrong. And I feel like I was alone in being wrong, because I haven't heard of a single protest, not even at Puerta del Sol in Madrid.


In the distant 70s when my minority group yelled, “No NATO and no Warsaw Pact!,” they were right.



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US June 14, 6:48pm]



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