U.S. Supreme Court Says ‘Yes We Care’ (L’Humanite, France)


“This is a victory for Barack Obama. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is an unprecedented reform of the American health care system. In 2011, one in seven Americans had no health coverage. … According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States is 37th in the world when it comes to the overall provision of health care.”


By Charlotte Helias


Translated By Pierre Guittard


June 28, 2012


France - l'Humanite - Original Article (French)

Supreme Court Justice John Roberts: His siding with the Court's 'liberal' wing has changed history and public perceptions of the Court.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: U.S. Supreme Court upholds Obama's health care reform law, June 28, 00:02:09RealVideo

After a long legal battle, the law to reform U.S. health care sought by Barack Obama has approved in principle by the Supreme Court. It is a decision that is favorable to the president with his first term nearing its end and just months before the election.


This is a victory for Barack Obama. On Thursday, June 28, the key provision of the proposed health reform advocated by the American president upheld by the Supreme Court. Despite its mostly conservative outlook, the highest court in the American judiciary ratified the new health insurance law by five votes to four.


The heart of the reform stipulates, under threat of financial penalty, the obligation of every American citizen to take out health insurance by 2014. However, the Court restricted certain elements concerning the extension of aid to the poorest [the court ruled that the federal government could not require states to expand their Medicaid programs for the poor by withholding Medicaid matching funds.]


After a lengthy deliberation process, the Supreme Court waited for the last day of its annual session to announce its decision. Oral arguments in March lasted three days, which was followed by more than three months of debate. All because, according to 26 Republican states [attorneys general], the reform violates an article of the American Constitution. Indeed, according to the “Commerce Clause,” government cannot force people to buy anything. Hence, the case was brought to the attention of the Supreme Court, which took up the issue on November 14, 2011. As the court of last resort, its decision therefore validates the "reform of the century" pursued for over two tears by Barack Obama.




Trouw, The Netherlands Health Care: Solidarity of Americans May be Strengthened  

Le Temps, Switzerland: U.S. Health Law: Another ‘Moral Victory’ for Obama  

Telegraph, U.K.: Why Health Reforms Could Determine Future of U.S. Politics    

Guardian, U.K.: Hyperbole and Health Care: Critics Respond    

Estadao, Brazil: New U.S. Health Care Differs Sharply from Brazil and Europe  

Folha, Brazil: Stop the Presses! Barack Obama Has Been Resurrected!  

Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany: Obama Made History - Whatever the Cost  

Financial Times Deutschland: U.S. Health Reform a Foreign Policy Win

L'Express, France: Astonishing: U.S. Republicans Turn Backs on History  

The Telegraph, U.K.: It's a 'Dark Day' for Freedom in America

The Times, U.K.: Win on Health is Obama Win Around the World  

The Times, U.K.: Now, Change Really is Coming to America

Estadao, Brazil: Americans 'Blind' to 'Extraordinary Progress' Under Obama  

Folha, Brazil: Brazil 'Envies' America's Public Health Care Debate


The provision is just one element of a law on health insurance approved by Congress in March 2010. Named the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, it is an unprecedented reform of the American health care system. In 2011, one in seven Americans had no health coverage.


Thirty Two Million Americans With No Health Insurance


Awaiting the verdict of the Supreme Court on Tuesday, June 26, Barack Obama said: "I think it is the right things to do to ensure that everyone in this country has a decent medical coverage and that they are not ruined for being sick” [translated quote]. In the United States, visiting a general practitioner costs about $150 (€120), and a mammogram costs $1,400 dollars (€1,120). The latest medications are often ten or twenty times more expensive than they are in Europe. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United States is 37th in the world when it comes to the overall provision of health care.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


With four months to go before the presidential election, the ratification of health reform may tip the balance in favor of the incumbent president. Republicans have nonetheless asserted that they will fight for its repeal.




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[Posted by Worldmeets.US June 29, 10:49pm]



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