"The holes
in this documentary are so huge that not laughing is a challenge. Obama
immediately denounced the tactic, which had already been tried against John Kerry.
Yet another splash of cold water for Romney."
Romney, who spends his time whining and asking Barack
Obama or Joe Biden to apologize ("Man Up" Mitt, his friends from the
Tea Party could tell him) behaves like a child: on the one hand, he complains
about the harsh blows he receives from the campaign of 44; and on the other,
he's not shy about using less than shining means himself. This brings to mind W.
Bush campaign against John Kerry. While the Massachusetts senator fought
bravely in Vietnam, a phony group - a cover for the Bush-Cheney campaign, released
a film that was only 22 minutes long, asserting that ultimately, Kerry wasn't
so exemplary during the Vietnam War. Worst of all, the attacks came from a campaign
of draft dodgers who, from Cheney to Bush, used every means possible to avoid
being sent in Vietnam. Romney, whose campaign has broken all records for
mediocrity, has found what he hopes will be his "magic bullet": a
false controversy over the elimination of bin Laden.
A group, the Special
Operations OPSEC Education Fund, which claims to
be composed of former Special Operations officers, has produced a 22-minute
film that takes issue with Barack Obama [Dishonorable
Disclosures - watch below]. As there is nothing to say about the
elimination of Osama bin Laden, the group confronts the president by declaring:
"You didn't kill bin Laden - America did," echoing a theme of
Republicans. Meanwhile George Bush, in the White House for eight years, was unable
to eliminate him, preferring to clown around on the air carrier deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln and declaring
"Mission Accomplished," just as Iraq was about to descend into
violence that would cost the lives of 4,500 Americans.
This group is so courageous (one would not have liked to
be on the ground with its members), that it set itself up as a charitable
organization and not a political one (a 501
(c) 4 in the language of the tax code), which exempts it from having to reveal
its sources of funding.
In the film, Ben Smith, who presents himself as a former
Navy Seal, the elite troops of the U.S. Army, confronts the president: " As
a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the President to stop leaking
information to the enemy. It will get Americans killed."
Posted by Worldmeets.US
The holes in this documentary are so huge that not
laughing is a challenge. Obama immediately denounced the tactic, which had
already been tried against Kerry.
And there was no Ryan effect on the polls in favor of the
Republican ticket. There will be no swiftboating this
time. Yet another splash of cold water for Romney.