[The Times, U.K.]



La Stampa, Italy

Obama Victory May Create 'Perfect Storm' in Italy


"What happens in the U.S. on November 4 is all-important. If Barack Obama were to win, many things would change in those European countries which are tempted to close themselves off to foreigners Isolating classes of foreign children or segregating Gypsies are emotional reactions that are not only dangerous, they are futile. … The speech on race that Obama gave in Philadelphia on March 18 was decisive for Italy."


By Barbara Spinelli


Translated By Enrico Del Sero


October 19, 2008


Italian - La Stampa - Original Article (Italian)

The campaign of Senator Barack Obama has ignited soul-searching in Italy about that country's own problems with racism.


BBC NEWS AUDIO: Will the 'Bradley Effect' scuttle Obama's chances?, Oct. 25, 00:03:52RealVideo

This isn't the first time the Italian people have questioned themselves about their defects and how cloistered they are, yet have remained convinced they are good-natured, innocent and open to outsiders. Innocents are often attracted by evil -- the kind that runs contrary to their own virtue -- perhaps due to some ill they may have suffered in the past. By not recognizing such evils within themselves, they know not of them. These are the evils which are succeeding today -- and escalating due to xenophobia and violence. After Romano Prodi's government fell [Jan. 24 ], these vices expanded, not only because of a proposed law to fingerprint Gypsies or criminalize those living underground [the undocumented] -- but because when the Prodi government fell, a whole set of inhibitions and taboos suddenly vanished. [Prodi led a center-left, somewhat immigrant-friendly government].


The desire to create separate classes for immigrant children who haven’t mastered Italian, which has been proposed by the Northern League [Lega Nord ], has emerged out of this already convoluted climate. As Rachel Donadio put it on The New York Times, xenophobia is particularly strong in Italy, "a country that has only recently transformed itself from a nation of emigrants into a prime destination for immigrants ." Discussing integration in a reasonable fashion becomes difficult when making multiculturalism a fact ceases to be possible -- and the heavens of ideology slam into the floor of reality. Racism is a strange beast -- it may thrive in the abstract (as in the case of anti-Semitism against the few Jews in East Europe and Asia) or be spread despite the very small number of people who fuel it (as in the case of racism with the few racists in America).


Which is why what happens in the United States on November 4 is all-important.


If Barack Obama were to win, many things would change in those European countries which are tempted to close themselves off to foreigners, not only in the realm of politics but in terms of the habits and conversations of average citizens. The debate about the mixing of cultures will inevitably incorporate the shock from across the Atlantic.


As in the domain of global finance, these shocks have taken on the nature of the Perfect Storm, as recounted by writer Sebastian Junger . This "perfect storm" is a tempest, the effects of which are maximized by an unexpected confluence of conditions that alter not only the way people think, but the way they behave. If Obama wins, a similar storm may unsettle our society. For decades, intellectuals and politicians have denounced political correctness. In the 1970s, this prevented a thorough analysis of the differences between races and cultures -- or even denied them. This way of thinking produced a counter-ideology no less abstract, which favors political incorrectness and serves to justify an easy xenophobia. As it has in the world of finance, the dominant paradigm has stumbled over reality and collapsed in regard to relations with those who are different.


Obviously racism, like fascism, isn't the same as it was in the past. The words and behavior have changed. But when a conscientious politician like Giancarlo Fini [President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies] becomes alarmed, then one had better watch out. In fact, Fini, the founder of National Alliance  fully understands the dark side of Italian innocence. If, as he declared at the Synagogue of Rome on October 16, “racism and xenophobia are a kind of monster that could arise in various shapes and sizes … in Italy we have far too many demonstrations of ignorance, fear and aversion,” and these phenomena “may become racism if not duly confronted,” then it should be clear to all that something is terribly wrong.


It's better to call it xenophobia, since racism focuses only on genetic differences. But the source is nevertheless the same: a diversity that makes people angry - and the fact that people hide behind linguistic distinctions doesn't help. Even religion itself can become a distraction: Journalist (capitalized because it begins a sentence after a colon, not because it is a title worthy of capitalization) Nicholas Kristof argued that rumors about Obama being Muslim are in fact surrogates for racial slander (The New York Times, Sept. 21 ). This isn't the racism we confronted in the past, but there is certainly a feeling that in 1952 and again 1971, anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss described as "the fear of a hybrid culture" (Race et histoire; Race et culture, A. Michel, 2001). This sentiment - combined with other ingredients such as the ignorance referred to by Mr. Fini and the global inequality which exacerbates the migration of peoples - leads to a modern form of racism that is often underestimated - even by liberals.


Precisely because it's undergoing a transformation, Italy urgently needs to endow itself with forward-thinking policies on a multicultural society. Isolating classes of foreign children or segregating Gypsies are emotional reactions that are not only dangerous, they are futile, as the history of many European countries shows. As linguist Tullio De Mauro put it, “The more heterogeneous school classes are, the better students perform. Whether with good students or bad, it's always the same" (Corriere della Sera, 17 October). To allow these ideas to linger would mean accepting a hasty, brutal and uncivilized integration. 


Claude Lévi Strauss described the pitfalls of integration when it encompasses the stranger while continuing to abhor variety: “This is a threat to civilization” and its ability to remain intact despite change. Progress happens only, “when coalitions of cultures are created.” Only in that case, he writes, is history "cumulative" - such as during the Renaissance or the Neolithic era - rather than "solitary” or “stationary.” The aversion to a “hybridization” expressed by Marcello Pera  in Corriere della Sera on August 21, 2005, was no less a contribution to the current storm: A synonym for “bastard,” hybridization would open the door to “unregulated immigration,” demographic decline, and so on - alarm after alarm.



The discourse on race that Obama gave in Philadelphia on March 18  was decisive for Italy as well, as it, too, is becoming a melting pot in which different cultures make up the nation. Publishing house Rizzoli had a great idea when it published the speech with a preface by Giancarlo Bosetti (On Race [Sulla razza] 2008). You had better read this book, because it will help you understand both the present and the future. You'll realize that much remains to be done if we are to eliminate the prejudice of not only Whites, but Blacks. Both are called by Obama to a “mental revolution." Whites have to realize that now there's racism without racists, as explained by outstanding sociologists Eduardo Bonilla-Silva (Racism without Racists, 2003) and Michael Brown, Whitewashing Race, The Myth of a Color-Blind Society, 2005). But Black minorities, blinded by prejudice, must also be transformed.


Senator Barack Obama delivers his now historic speech on race

in America, March 18, 2008. WATCH


The point is that since the post-war period began, there has been a sort of progressive consensus with respect to minorities, modeled on Israeli history and the idea that every minority that has been oppressed or discriminated against, beginning with Black Americans, must complete an Exodus from slavery.


This Exodus is the new planetary myth, and is typically combined with a rejection of the assimilation which occurred to Jews in Europe [Jews never felt like they were accepted and never assimilated - giving rise to political Zionism, which was founded by Hungarian Jew, Theodore Herzl ]. Both the myth and the rejection should now be rethought: the fragmentation of identity cannot become the model for every minority, otherwise it would create a coalition of cultures of the type hinted at by Claude Lévi-Strauss when he invoked a cumulative, rather than a static, history.



Assimilation has to be renamed, but again, this is our starting point. It's as if Obama had learned from Lévi-Strauss the pitfalls of historical fossils that tend to petrify everything they touch. When Obama said that the union created by America's Founding Fathers was created but not completed, or when he reminds the Black Church's Reverend Wright that “society isn’t static” but can change and improve, he unmasks White stereotypes and the battle of Black people to escape an identity of desperation and despair. The audacity of hope is possible only because societies are alive and not stationary. That also applies to Italy.


The man who is xenophobic has the passions of misery described by Spinoza : resentment, a fear that makes the future seem empty, and an incapacity to have hope or even desire. The man clings to these emotions like a lifesaver after a shipwreck, convinced that life is a zero-sum game in which one benefits only if other people lose. An Obama victory would benefit not only the United States - and not because he's a Black or liberal candidate - but because it would refute the standard history that dooms civilization to stagnate and perish.







































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US October 26, 11:59pm]