The 21st Century Divided in Half

South China Morning Post, Hong Kong

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U.S. and China Agree to Split the 21st Century (Kommersant, Russia)


"During Joe Biden's visit to Beijing, we have witnessed the realization of the idea of global governance carried out by two major powers - the United States and China. It is crucial that the two sides should act as equal players in this. ... China has long been pushing the United States in this direction, and Joe Biden's visit has allowed Beijing to take another step in its implementation."


--  Alexander Lomanov, chief analyst at the Russian Far East Institute


By Sergei Strokan


Translated By Rosamund Musgrave


December 10, 2013


Russia - Kommersant - Original Article (Russian)

Vice President Joe Biden and outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Beijing, Gary Locke, appear to listen carefully to Chinese President Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People, Dec. 4.


NTDTV NEWS VIDEO, U.S.: Are Chinese students smarter than American ones?, Dec. 9, 00:6:25RealVideo

As part of his Asian tour, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden recently visited Beijing. The most important part of his talks with Chinese leaders was consolidating U.S.-China relations as a key factor in global affairs. Having allowed himself some cautious criticism of the Chinese model, Mr. Biden didn't dare to openly challenge Beijing on China's Air Defense Identification Zone over the Senkaku Islands - which is a major concern for Washington and its regional allies.


Biden arrived in Beijing from Tokyo, where he spent the previous day holding talks with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe trying to ease the fear of Japanese leaders over China's newly-declared Air Defense Identification Zone above the Senkaku Islands in the East China Sea, the ownership over which is disputed by China and Japan.


Biden's China visit began in the same way as his Tokyo trip. After the official welcoming ceremony at the airport, Biden unexpectedly traveled to the American Embassy in Beijing, after making several policy statements about the differences between the American and Chinese models of development. In the Embassy's consular section, Biden spoke to Chinese applicants waiting to receive their U.S. visas: "Children in America are rewarded - not punished - for challenging the status quo. ... The only way you make something totally new is to break the mold of what was old." He expressed the hope that, once in the United States, the Chinese immigrants would also be convinced of the uniqueness of American democracy. "From the beginning of our country, it's a constant stream of new immigrants, new cultures, new ideas, new religions, brand new people continuing to reinvigorate the spirit of America," said the U.S. vice president. While acknowledging that "some countries' educational systems are better than America's," he claimed that the chief strength of American upbringing and education was "an inherent rejection of orthodoxy."


Visiting the U.S. Embassy in Beijing was a "home away from home" for Biden, allowing him, on the one hand, to continue a long-running argument over which socio-political system is better, American or Chinese, while on the other hand, avoiding the direct criticism of Beijing he allowed himself in Tokyo.

Posted By Worldmeets.US


However, the main announcement concerning how these two systems will co-operate was announced during a meeting between the U.S. vice president and Chinese leaders: Vice President Li Yuanchao, Premier Li Keqiang, and President Xi Jinping. Both sides agreed that the key factor in any new world order will be U.S.-China relations.


"This is a hugely consequential relationship that is going to affect the course of the 21st century," Joe Biden said, who called U.S.-China cooperation "the central organizational principle of international relations in the years to come."


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In reply, Li Yuanchao defined links between the United States and China as "the most important bilateral relation in the world." He added, "This is important not only for our people, but as the most important factor for development and stability in the Asia-Pacific region as well as around the world."


"During Joe Biden's visit to Beijing, we have witnessed the realization of the idea of global governance carried out by two major powers - the United States and China. It is crucial that the two sides should act as equal players in this," explained chief analyst at the Russian Far East Institute Alexander Lomanov. "China has long been pushing the United States in this direction, and Joe Biden's visit has allowed Beijing to take another step in its implementation."


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Posted By Worldmeets.US Dec. 10, 2013,9:15pm