Kitabat, Iraq

Iraqi Christians celebrate the Christian-Catholic feast

of Corpus Christi in honor of the Holy Eucharist, in

Baghdad during the 1920's.



Like it or Not, Muslim Iraqis are Less Patriotic than Christian Ones (Kitabat, Iraq)


"The irony is that the occupier, by which we mean the Americans, the British and the rest of the countries of the occupation, are of the Christian religion, and yet we have heard of no non-Muslims who have collaborated with them."


By Dr. Fawaaz al-Fawaaz


Translated By James Jacobson


February 5, 2008


Iraq - Kitabat - Original Article (Arabic)

Before I go any further, I would like to say that I am a Muslim man, but that I see facts as being separate from religious bigotry or fanatical ethnic affiliation. When it comes at the expense of others, I do not believe we should see things from the emotional perspective of the group alone.


After the arrival of the occupier, we saw that most of the collaborators were Muslim - not ordinary Muslims - but clerics.  Clerics must be the most committed to religion, to the Prophet and to the family of the Prophet, and there are times that we need to seek out the religious instruction of these men, to help us and keep us from straying from the faith. But like it or not, we have seen that the best collaborators were clerics. So there is no choice but to remind everyone of the emergence of clerics who put on the garb of politics to achieve dirty ends that expose their badly-soiled souls.


(TOP) Kanzfra Sattar is one of only five Mandaean bishops left, a leader of one of the world's oldest religious groups. (ABOVE) The men of the Yazidi are sun worshipers with roots in Zoroastrianism who have inhabited the valleys of the Sinjar range for centuries. Despite the fact that they eat pork and drink alcohol, some Iraqi Muslims are convinced they are better Iraqis.

In Iraq, as we know, there are religions other than Islam, the sons of which are fewer than the adherents the nation's official religion. But the irony is that the occupier, by which we mean the Americans, the British and the rest of the countries of the occupation, are of the Christian religion, and yet we have heard of no non-Muslims who have collaborated with them. To put it more bluntly: have we heard or seen any Christian, Yazidi  or Mandean  collaborators?


We don't hear an answer.


Have you ever heard of militias forming that are comprised of the sons of these religions? Have you ever heard of people who are muggers, thieves or even officials accused of administrative corruption belonging to any religion other than Islam?


We cannot hear you.


Have we heard or seen any non-Muslim man carrying a weapon and killing a neighbor?


There answer is no.


Have we heard or seen any non-Muslim man who in one way or another took part in economic sabotage or of having sold his conscience in exchange for a handful of dollars?


We don't hear any answer.


Yes, we have heard of and seen non-Muslim Iraqis helping Muslims more than the Muslims have helped Muslims.


Yes, we have heard of Islamists that were Sunni or Shiite assaulting the sons of other religions.


But have we heard of or seen a criminal, murderer, thief or terrorist from among these other religions?


The answer is that every murderous criminal, every mugger and every saboteur have been people of the Islamic faith.


If we went to any government agency in the country and knew that so-and-so employee is not of the Muslim faith, we would see how keen he is about Iraq and the unity of the country and for assisting the people in a reasonable way.


Who are the people who love peace most, the Muslims or those of other religions?


The answer is that Muslims love violence the most, isn’t it?


Here are some examples.


The religion of al-Qaeda is Islam, and it slaughters people like sheep.


The religion of the Mahdi Army is Islam, and it burns people alive.


Iraq's Christians: Are they a cut above other Christians - and Iraqi Muslims? ...

The Badr Organization  is Muslim, and it tortures people in the Iranian style: by using electric drills before killing them. The best proof of these words are the dismembered and discarded corpses of Iraqis found by police detachments, even on curfew days.


The al-Fadila Party is Muslim, and they are experts on the theft and smuggling of oil. [The al-Fadila Party an offshoot of Muqtada al-Sadr's movement].


Who are the criminals that have taken refuge in the Al-Jadiriyah bunker; are they not the Islamic parties? [Al-Jadiriyah is an area in Baghdad in which U.S. troops have been fighting insurgents].


The Iraqi branch of Hezbullah is Muslim, but most of them are bandits.


The Thaar Allah Party [Allah's Revenge] is Muslim, but they instigate all ordinary Muslims to achieve their dirty ends.


The Islamic Iraqi Party is clearly Muslim, and aren’t they ready to sell off the Kabaa in exchange for the post of the presidency?


Who kidnaps, murders and rapes women in our Iraq? Isn’t it the religious parties?


Who steals Iraq's wealth, smuggles its oil and plunders its effects? Are these not the religious parties?


If one were to compare Iraq’s Christians, we would find in them virtues not in abundance in the rest of the world's Christians, such as:


They are more honest than the world's other Christians.


They help the people more than Christians do in the rest of the world.


They are more authentic than Christians in other parts of the world.


They are more committed to their religion than Christians in other parts of the world.


They are more loyal to their country than Christians in other parts of the world.


They are more generous than Christians in other parts of the world.


We can compare the image of their religion to the virtues of genuine Arabic Islam.


Amongst our readers will be a religious fanatic who will ask me why I don’t convert and become a Christian man?


My answer is that yes, you have the right to criticize what I say, but nevertheless, let us not lose sight of the essential point, which that the ordinary Iraqi Christian man is far more honest than the clerics in Parliament, regardless of sect.


After this very simple review, don’t we have the right to say that non-Muslim Iraqis are the most patriotic and have the most love for Iraq and Iraqis?


Yes we have the right, because their religion is kept away from politics, which is the secret of their success.  






































[WORLDMEETS.US Posted February 8, 11:35pm]