The 'True Spirit' of 1776 Applies to All the World's People (Khaleej Times, United Arab Emirates)


“As America celebrates another Independence Day with characteristic aplomb and gaiety, it would also be timely for that nation to do some soul-searching on the role it plays internationally. … Whatever the domestic politics taking center stage in the U.S. today, what its politicians must remember is that their decisions have far-reaching consequences across the world.”




July 4, 2014


Khaleej Times, United Arab Emirates – Original Article (English)

The United States of America: A young nation that has inspired the world, it has a heavy responsibility to live up to its own ideals, not only for its own people, but for people around the world.


AUDIO: A reading of the Declaration of Independence, July 3, 00:13:47RealVideo

This special Independence Day column was first posted on July 4, 2012.


“When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them. … ” So begins the U.S. Declaration of Independence, drafted on this day in 1776.


As America celebrates another Independence Day with characteristic aplomb and gaiety, it would also be timely for that nation to do some soul-searching on the role it plays internationally.


Perhaps every argument that the Declaration puts forth as “causes that” impelled Americans “to the separation” might serve as a good starting point.


The grand ideals of human freedom, dignity and independence that America stands for are in fact universal values, and apply as much to the people of America as they do to people in northwestern Pakistan.


The success that America achieved across all sectors undoubtedly continues to be an inspiration and aspiration for most nations. The United States has set powerful benchmarks for human development and in setting social indicators that serve as templates worth emulating. As the world’s largest economy, the United States still has enough financial muscle to make a tangible contribution to the progress of the collective humanity.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


After all, in today’s globalized world, no nation operates as a closed economy. Thanks to this global interconnectedness, the global financial crisis that began with the subprime bubble on America’s property market had an impact even on clueless Vietnamese farmers.


Whatever the domestic politics taking center stage in the U.S. today, what its politicians must remember is that their decisions have far-reaching consequences across the world.


This impact is not only because of America’s overwhelming power, but because of the global give-and-take that pervades every level of modern economic and social activity, the breakdown of barriers thanks to the growth in social media, and the subtle shift in the economic order that the world is witnessing with the rise of the BRICS nations - most notably China.



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Yezhednevniy Zhurnal, Russia: Why Unlike U.S., Russia Lacks Holiday to Freedom
Kayhan, Iran: Instead of Celebrating July 4, Obama Should Repent for Flight 655
Le Monde, France: Obama and the Return to the Founding Fathers
El Diario Exterior, Spain: America’s ‘Unamerican’ Ethnic Neurosis
FTD, Germany: For Americans, it's a Dour Independence Day
The Nation, Pakistan: Seeing the Fourth of July Through Pakistani Eyes



America has played a significant role in shaping the political dynamics of the Middle East - and it continues to do so. Along with that role comes a responsibility toward the people in the region, which amounts to a need to uphold the very values that every American dreams of, based in part on the Declaration of 1776.


In the next 180 days, America will witness another landmark election. Whatever the outcome, in the journey forward, the United States may be well served by reexamining some of its baggage from the past.


If America’s 1776 “adversary” – the United Kingdom – has come to be its sixth largest trading partner, surely, more distant places and far-flung peoples with no direct or indirect agenda in regard to the United States, should be able look forward to warmer ties based on the pillars of dignity and the values of human life.



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[Posted by Worldmeets.US July 3, 5:44pm]