[Le Matin, Morocco]



Le Journal du Dimanche au Quotidien, France

Bush's Middle East Record: 'Pure Calamity'


"In this region, George Bush has failed as few American Presidents before him. … With him, the United States has definitively moved passed the role of even-handed mediator to that of hallucinating prosecutor."


The Chronicle of Gilles Delafon



Translated By Sandrine Ageorges


May 18, 2008


France - Le Journal du Dimanche au Quotidien - Original Article (French)

In this region, George Bush has failed as few American presidents before him. His diplomatic balance sheet is pure calamity - and his last tour of the Middle East this week was a reminder of it.


In his eight years as president, he has managed to weaken his Arab allies and strengthen their enemies. Of course Israel has found in him its most ardent defender. In a speech Thursday before the Knesset, he delivered a vibrant plea in favor of the “land of the chosen people,” only mentioning the possibility of a Palestinian State at the very distant horizon, preferring instead to stigmatize Iran and Hamas, the resurgence of which he has failed to counter.


With him, the United States has definitively moved passed the role of even-handed mediator to that of hallucinating prosecutor. But even more incredible is that he still believes in a peace agreement between the Israeli and the Palestinians before his departure next January - a success that would soften his failure to build a more democratic Middle East. This was the purpose of his stay in Egypt this weekend, but not a person believes him.


So on Friday, when he disembarked in Saudi Arabia to demand more oil for the American consumer, the Saudis did a poor job hiding their discomfort. Among other things, this is because Bush had paid no heed to the peace plan put forward by King Abdullah, because during Bush's presidency, Sunnis in Iraq have been decimated and are being swept away in Lebanon, and because the Palestinians of Hamas - who are also Sunni - have long been dependent on Teheran [reference to U.S. pressure on moderate Arabs not to deal with Hamas]. 



The Republican president even took the opportunity of his tour to engage in domestic politics. Without naming him, he lashed out at Democratic candidate Barack Obama, likening him to those who wanted to “talk to the Nazis” because he believes that the United States has more to gain by talking to Iran and Syria.





In any case, this is something the French and British have understood. After having followed Bush for too long, they recently resumed contact with Hamas. Secretly.











































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US May 18, 2 55Pm]