Iraqi reporter Muntadar
al-Zeidi hurls his shoes into history -
at President Bush - during
Bush's last press conference in Iraq
as U.S. president. Al-Zeidi has been lauded as a national hero
by many Iraqis, Dec. 14.
Iraq News Agency, Iraq
Journalist Explains Anti-Bush Anger to Judge
"I observed Bush smiling and talking to the prime minister. His smile was icy - without blood or soul ... In that moment, I felt that
this person was the number one killer of my people. And being part of this
people, I tried to respond even if only in this small way."
Translated By Nicolas Dagher
February 19, 2009
Iraq - Iraqi News Agency - Original Article
According to
Iraqi-Arab journalist Muntadar al-Zeidi,
who threw his shoes at former President George W. Bush during his recent visit
to Baghdad, he took the action because he holds President Bush responsible for all
the crimes that have been committed in Iraq.
Judge Abdul-Amir
Hassan al-Rubaie decided to postpone al-Zeidi's trial until March 12th. According
to the judge, the court decided to communicate with the Prime Minister's office
to determine the nature of Bush's visit - whether it was an official visit or
an informal one.
But at the
hearing, the judge did permit al-Zeidi to make a
"I observed
Bush smiling and talking to the prime minister. His smile was icy - without
blood or soul, and he began joking with Maliki and saying that he would have
dinner with him after the press conference. At that moment I saw only Bush.
With his smile and the way he discussed his farewell dinner to Iraq after the
fall of over a million martyrs and our country's
economic and social devastation - everything went black."
Iraqi News Agency:
The Journalist Who
Lifted Iraq's New Year Spirits
Al-Iraq News, Iraq:
Baghdad Bids Bush Farewell
... With a Journalist's Shoes
Al-Iraq News, Iraq:
The Hero Who Made
Bush's Head a 'Playground for His Shoes'
El Khabar,
Algeria: Iraq Invents Weapon for Rulers
that Lie … 'The Nuclear Shoe'
The Daily Star,
Lebanon: Bush's
Record and the Shoes Heard 'Round the World
The Peoples' Daily,
China: Behind
the Scenes: The 'Attack of the Flying Shoes'
The Times, U.K.: Journalist
Who Threw Shoes at Bush, 'Has Broken Arm and Ribs'
Guardian Unlimited,
U.K.: How
to Insult Bush Anywhere In the World
Financial Times, U.K.:
'Sole' is Bared
Al-Zeidi went on: "In that moment I felt that this
person was the number one killer of my people. And being part of this people, I
tried to respond even if only in this small way. I became emotional and threw
my shoe at him because he is responsible for all of the crimes that took place
in Iraq. I threw one shoe at him and it missed. But the second shoe was
just a reflex - I never wanted to hit or embarrass al-Maliki."
Finally, al-Zeidi said, "When I threw the shoe, I was sure there
was a good distance between the prime minister and Bush. I didn't intend to
kill the leader of the occupying forces. We Arabs take pride in take pride in
our hospitality, but Bush and his soldiers have been here for more than six
years. Guests should knock on the door. Those who come sneaking in aren’t
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US February 23,