[Hoje Macau, Macau]
Global Geographic Weekly, People's Republic of China
The 'Color
Revolution' Has Finally Spread to the U.S.!
Can President-elect Barack Obama's
victory be classified, as has occurred in Ukraine, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan, as a
'color revolution?' According to this unsigned article from China's
state-controlled Global Geographic Weekly, Republican misrule has
ironically brought about exactly the kind of change in America that the Bush
Administration instigated in these other nations. And given that this is state-controlled media, it's good to keep in mind that the 'color revolutions' occurred much to the
discomfort of the People's Republic of China, which frowns upon anything that
might give Chinese similar ideas.
Translated By Mark Klingman
November 5, 2008
Geographic Weekly - People's Republic of China - Original Article (Chinese)
The U.S. presidential
election, watched so closely by the entire world, has finally given us its result.
In the past, [the U.S. election] rules and guidelines haven't always reached a
positive outcome - but the fact that the American people previously elected
"the decider," no doubt helped these same people elect Obama, a Black
man, the new U.S. president.
After over 200 years of White
rule, Obama, a Black man, in one fell swoop successfully launched a "color
revolution" and seized power. In recent years, the leadership of Bush's
Republican Party has stirred up trouble all over the world, playing up the
"Rose Revolution [Georgia
the "Orange Revolution [Ukraine
the "Tulip Revolution [Kyrgyzstan
and other "color revolutions." Well, this time a "Black
Revolution" has played out in America's own land, and it was this color
revolution that forced them from the stage.
Obama's victory has left a huge
imprint on American history. Compared to Bush's "charge to keep,"
Obama is a "grassroots president," a self-created myth that is
nevertheless exciting to ordinary people.
Early in the election, Obama
faced a number of disadvantages. He had limited qualifications and lacked
political experience. His background, his personal history, and his skin color
easily brushed up against that most sensitive of American topics - race. He had
no financial support from political elites in Washington and his connections
were limited. Neither politicians nor the media were optimistic about his
prospects, mainly because of the notion that "the American people aren't
ready for a Black president." Conservative Americans would prefer an
inferior White president to a Black or mixed-race one. As a result, people
thought Obama's chances of winning were small. He would certainly, it was
thought, be a semi-tragic figure who would pave the way for other candidates to
come, but his campaign would soon die out in the primaries. Of course, that's
all in the past now.
A Russian expert told me,
"now that the U.S. president and Russian president were both born in the
1960s, it should be relatively easy for them to find a common language … . "
November 13, 11:22am]