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Chief Justice John
Roberts: ‘Judas’ Who Sold America (Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland)
“America’s hallowed freedom has been ruined by the so-called individual
mandate: soon everyone will have to buy insurance or pay a penalty of 2.5
percent of one’s yearly income! … Of course, the most honest solution would be
not to treat people without money at all and let them die at the hospital door
like animals. Alas, in our times, one cannot count on total justice.”
By Mariusz

Translated By Halszka
July 2, 2012
- Gazeta Wyborcza -
Original Article (Polish)
“Traitor” is one of the gentler epithets being flung at
Chief Justice John Roberts, after the ruling on Barack Obama’s reform of the
health insurance system. On right-wing talk shows, the hosts are fuming into
their microphones, shouting loudly and falling into hysterics in such an
expressive way that one can almost hear them tearing their hair out by the
fistful (I admit this might be an auditory hallucination, since America’s top
radio guru is bald).
And all this because conservative Justice Roberts, nominated
by George W. Bush, unexpectedly joined forces with four liberal justices, due
to which the hated Obamacare reform has been saved by
a 5 to 4 vote. This act of treason occurred during the most important Supreme
Court session since at least 2000, when it decided the outcome of a
presidential election.
Congressman Mike Pence of Indiana declared
that the ruling is as tragic for America as the attacks of September 11 (for
which he later apologized in writing). America’s hallowed freedom has been
ruined by the so-called individual mandate: soon everyone will have to buy
insurance or pay a penalty of 2.5 percent of one’s yearly income!
The individual mandate doesn’t limit the freedom of
right-wing radio personalities, who have enough money and naturally, are
insured. It does no harm to the poorest; who will be helped to buy insurance by
the state. The individual mandate instead hits the middle class, or rather
lower-middle class - people who somehow manage to make ends meet, but refuse to
buy health insurance in order to few hundred dollars a month. These adventurers
from the lower-middle class make up the nearly million and a half Americans who
go bankrupt every year due after succumbing to a catastrophic illness that they
have to pay for themselves.
Yes, this is not an
erroneous assertion: in the U.S., a million and a half people each year lose
everything they have in order to save their lives or health. Right-wing radio
hosts have nothing more to say to these poor devils than a certain arsonist at
the finale of - in my humble opinion - the best movie in the history of the Polish
cinema: “Well, Mr. Borowiecki, you should have been
insured!.” The movie, The
Promised Land, is set in 19th century Łódź,
during the pioneering days of capitalism – days that the American right waxes
nostalgic about, as well as the billionaires who support them, and who rightly
feel that under such conditions, they will be able to amass even more billions.
by Worldmeets.US
Worldmeets.US on Facebook
The main argument against the individual mandate is that the
state forces people to buy a given product (in this case an insurance policy).
“Can government make me buy broccoli?” asked Justice Antonin
Scalia, one of the representatives of that healthy, right-wing core of the
Supreme Court. But that treacherous renegade Justice Roberts decided that the
state cannot force people - that would be unconstitutional - but it can impose
a tax in cases where a citizen fails to buy a product. This is not coercion:
the citizen may choose what he prefers, the product or a tax.
The four defeated justices wrote in a
separate dissenting opinion that Justice Roberts, “carries
verbal wizardry too far, deep into the forbidden land of the sophists.” Indeed,
Roberts’s argumentation is rather convoluted.
On the other hand, it bears noting that a penalty in the
form of a tax for not being insured is – from a statistical point of view –
completely justifiable. It is a common practice in America that the uninsured,
on becoming seriously ill, go to an emergency room, where they are treated even
if they have no money. If payment cannot be extracted from them, the town, the
state, or the federal government, foots the bill - meaning that the taxpayer pays.
Therefore, the tax on a lack of insurance already exists; it is just hidden and
every American, insured or uninsured, has to pay.
Trouw, Netherlands:
Health Care Result: U.S. Solidarity May be Strengthened
Le Temps, Switzerland:
U.S. Health Law: Another ‘Moral Victory’ for Obama
Telegraph, U.K.:
Why Health Reforms Could Determine Future of U.S. Politics
Guardian, U.K.:
Hyperbole and Health Care: Critics Respond
Estadao, Brazil:
New U.S. Health Care Differs Sharply from Brazil and Europe
Folha, Brazil:
Stop the Presses! Barack Obama Has Been Resurrected!
Frankfurter Rundschau, Germany:
Obama Made History - Whatever the Cost
Financial Times Deutschland:
U.S. Health Reform a Foreign Policy Win
L'Express, France:
Astonishing: U.S. Republicans Turn Backs on History
The Telegraph, U.K.:
It's a 'Dark Day' for
Freedom in America
The Times, U.K.:
Win on Health is Obama Win Around the World
The Times, U.K.:
Now, Change Really
is Coming to America
Estadao, Brazil:
Americans 'Blind' to 'Extraordinary Progress' Under Obama
Folha, Brazil:
Brazil 'Envies' America's Public Health Care Debate
It remains a mystery why the right wing, so vocal about
individual freedom and taking responsibility for one’s own decisions, is so insistent
about supporting the current system in which everyone has to pay for the
emergency treatment of free-loaders. Obama’s reform is more honest; at least it
slaps the free-loaders with a 2.5 percent penalty.
Of course, the most honest solution would be not to treat
people without money at all and let them die at the hospital door like
animals. Alas, in our times, one cannot count on total justice.