Scientology: ‘A State within All States’ (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany)


“It is amazing to see how far-reaching the sect's power is. In France, Scientology’s Office of Special Affairs was able to place a bodyguard and elite agent in the immediate vicinity of former President Mitterrand. In Greece, its influence must be interpreted as an attack on the state. It is no different in Russia, considering that the ‘Church,’ with it ‘Centers for Dianetics,’ has placed particular emphasis on defense contractors and secret nuclear installations. In the U.S. … Scientology has broken through any resistance and has long-since secured the support of leading figures in the entertainment industry and - above all - in the highest political circles, including the State Department.”


By Michael Hanfeld


Translated By Stephanie Martin


June 26, 2012


Germany - Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung - Original Article (German)

This week, actor Katie Holmes filed for divorce from here husband Tom Cruise, and according to the Web site TMZ, Holmes did so out of concern over Cruise's ties to Scientology, 'fearing that Tom would drag Suri (their daughter) deep into the church.'


ITN DOCUMENTARY, U.K.: The Big Story - Inside the Cult of Scientology, 1995, 00:24:51 RealVideo

The Office of Special Affairs is to Scientology "what the Stasi was to the German Democratic Republic," says CSU politician and former Bavarian Prime Minister Günther Beckstein. Anyone who sees the documentary by Frank Nordhausen and Markus Thöss, which airs today on Channel One, will realize how this is not an exaggeration [watch subtitled video below]. For the Office of Special Affairs - OSA for short - operates worldwide, has an annual budget of perhaps $1 billion - according to one former Scientologist - and employs all possible means for combating critics, bringing about global domination, and convincing followers of L. Ron Hubbard's crude doctrine. Attacks on life and limb are becoming more commonplace, says one former cult member who spoke with the two Southwest Broadcasting (Südwest-Rundfunk) documentarians on camera.

Posted by Worldmeets.US



Frank Nordhausen and Markus Thöss have thoroughly researched their topic. Their journey takes them from Germany to France, Greece, Russia, and of course the United States - to Hollywood and to the once-tranquil town of Clearwater, Florida, where Scientologists are now calling the shots. It is amazing to see how far-reaching the sect's power is. In France, the OSA was able to place a bodyguard and elite agent (code name "F-10") in the immediate vicinity of former President Mitterrand. In Greece, Scientology's influence must be interpreted as an attack on the state. It is no different in Russia, considering that the "Church," with it "Centers for Dianetics,” has placed particular emphasis on defense contractors and secret nuclear installations. In the United States, on the other hand, as is shown by Nordhausen and Thöss, Scientology has broken through any resistance and (this is known) has long-since secured the support of leading figures in the entertainment industry (Tom Cruise, John Travolta) and - above all - in the highest political circles, including the State Department.


Punishment for offenders


Once the Internal Revenue Service recognized the "Church" as a charitable institution and awarded it tax-free status, the struggle of Scientology in America was as good as won. This state within the state could develop unhindered. Since then, U.S. diplomatic missions in other nations even act like allies of Scientology. For example, The U.S. Consulate General in Hamburg, where in 2010 the city senate decided to effectively close Ursula Caberta's Scientology Task Force. The Southwest Broadcasting documentarians would have liked to interview the CDU politician, former mayor and erstwhile state Minister of the Interior for the City of Hamburg Christoph Ahlhaus on the subject, but he, was unavailable for an interview.



Nordhausen and Thöss received no information on the work of the OSA from the Church of Scientology, despite dozens of inquiries and lists of questions presented. In particular, the international spokesman for Scientology Tommy Davis, upon whose heels the documentarians traveled, can never be reached. Former OSA chief Mike Rinder suspects that spokesman Davis may have fallen into disfavor with cult leader David Miscavige, and may now be attending a reeducation camp. Rinder found himself in just such a camp after he distanced himself from the organization and had to, as he says, crawl on his hands and knees across an artificial lawn until he bled and suffered burns. According to Rinder, this is the punishment for offenders who "haven’t been confessing what they are supposed to confess."


A kind of ‘Nazi-environment’


Nordhausen and Thöss learned the hard way how much effort is expended and to what lengths the Office of Special Affairs will go in pursuing critics of Scientology. Their every move is under surveillance – and at one point there was a scuffle with an OSA tail [surveillant]. In the United States, police quickly appear and ask the reporters to pack their bags. A German surveillant reports how, at the behest of the cult, he shadowed, monitored and rummaged through the garbage of an attorney who represented victims of Scientology for months. Around the world, the OSA, we hear again and again, tries to uncover everything it can about critics of Scientology. Employees are trained in psychological warfare - learning to lie convincingly, stalk a person past their breaking point, and drive critics of Scientology to financial and personal ruin.



Daily Mail, U.K.: Inside Sinister Induction at Scientology HQ

Le Figaro, France: Lawyer for Scientology Attacks Position of France

Trouw, Netherlands: Mormons Perform ‘After-Death’ Baptisms on Dutch Royals

Le Parisien, France: 'Damning Testimony' from Former Scientology Leader

Le Monde, France: Scientology May Have a Friend in Sarkozy

Liberation, France: Court May 'Dissolve' Scientology in France

Bild am Sonntag, Germany: Scientology Seeks to 'Gain Power' in Germany

Le Monde, France: Lawyer for Scientology France Rails Against Injustice
El Tiempo, Colombia: The Pope and Bush: Brothers in Arms
BBC Brazil, Brazil: Voyage to America: The Papal 'Vote'
El Mundi, Spain: Beck and Palin Search for Mythical 'Paradise Lost'


Young American musician Tiziano Lugli was under around-the-clock surveillance by approximately 70 OSA people.  Lugli grew up the child of Scientologists and his knowledge makes him a particular threat to the cult - a "suppressor," as critics are called in Scientology jargon. Today Lugli describes the cult as a "kind of Nazi environment." He has mounted a counter-attack: he is filming his surveillants and makes films about them available on the Internet. According to the documentary, the Church of Scientology in Clearwater once held a large event for the sole purpose of having John Travolta ask the wife of a judge, who had been very critical of Scientology, to dance. The hope was that the judge, swayed by Hollywood charm, would reconsider his opinions. The plan supposedly worked.


In the documentary, Bavarian Minister of the Interior Joachim Hermann says that some have a tendency to underestimate the danger that Scientology represents. Under no circumstances will anyone who watches the piece by Frank Nordhausen and Markus Thöss continue to underestimate the cult and its Office of Special Affairs.


The Spies of Scientology: The Cult's Secret Service the OSA will air on June 26 at 10.45 pm on Channel One (German television) 




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[Posted by Worldmeets.US June 30, 7:29pm]




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